Unique Holidays: April 2nd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 2nd, 2022. Did you know today is Brothers and Sisters Day? I have one of each and on Wednesday I am taking my sister out to celebrate her Birthday. Then on Thursday I am going to visit my brother and have dinner with him. If you have siblings, how do you plan on celebrating them?

Baby Day

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I am sure you know Baby Day celebrates babies! At least I think it does. This Holiday is recorded in countless internet websites and Ecard companies. We found no content or information to define what this Holiday is truly about. Logic tells us that it’s a day to enjoy and care for young infants. Giving us the opportunity to celebrate the miracle of birth and life.

Parents, especially new parents, can celebrate this Holiday by spending extra time with your infant. After all, they will be babies for an all too short time. Also, learn more about how to care for the babies.

For young couples who have yet to have children, maybe today is a day to do something special so you will be able to enjoy Baby Day next year. Now doesn’t that sound like fun.

Did you Know? The movie Baby Day aired in 1913 which was a black and white silent movie.

Brothers and Sisters Day  

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Brothers and Sisters Day is a day to cherish our siblings. There are times when you love your brothers and sisters. But there’s times when you want to disown your brother or sister. All in all, having a brother and/or a sister or two, is precious. The older you get, the more you learn to appreciate your brothers and sisters.

Celebrate Brothers and Sisters Day by reaching out to them in some way.  A card or a phone call is appropriate for those who are separated by too many miles. A visit, or sharing a meal together, is a great way to enjoy this Holiday.  

Don’t have a brother or sister? Become a “Big Brother” or Big Sister”. Chances are, there is an organization in your area. And, they need your help.

Related Holidays:

National Siblings Day

Sisters Day

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates