Good morning, how are you? Before I begin my day, I wanted to bring you our series featuring Unique Holidays: April 29th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

Arbor Day -last Friday of month
National Arbor Day is the Tree Planter’s holiday. Arbor Day has been celebrated since 1872. Arbor Day began in Nebraska, a largely treeless plain back in the 1800’s. Arbor Day is a day to plant and dedicate a tree to help nature and the environment. Millions of trees are planted on this day.
The National Arbor Day Foundation provides millions of trees for planting. It is estimated that 18 million tress are planted each year on Arbor Day.
The Latin word for “Tree” is “Arbor”.
Bird Day, held on May 4th, is often celebrated in conjunction with Arbor Day.
More Information:
Gardener’s Net for a wealth of gardening information and fun.
About Trees – Learn about your favorite tree.
Bird’s and Gardens Learn more about birds, and how to grow flowers and plants that will attract them.

Japanese Greenery Day celebrates the birthday of Japanese Emperor Hirohito. In Japanese culture, Greenery Day is a time to commune with nature. We should be thankful and appreciative of its abundance.
Let’s celebrate Greenery Day with a nature walk or by doing a project to preserve nature.
History and Origin of “Greenery Day”:
Greenery Day is celebrated as the birthday of the Japanese Emperor Hirohito and the Holiday has been held since 1989.
Today is a day for music and laughter. Put on your dancing shoes. All over the world, there will be dancing in the streets. Today is International Dance Day.
International Dance Day is a truly global holiday celebration. International Dance Day encourages everyone around the world to participate by dancing. You can dance to any music genre you prefer. Bring out the Irish dancers. Do the Macarena. How about a tap dance, or a Tango for two? Tribal dances or dances steeped in local customs are all encouraged. This is a day for events and festivities. Today is the perfect day to hold a dance-a-thon.
Each year the International Theatre Institute (ITO) selects an outstanding dance personality to write a message about dancing for celebration on International Dance Day. The ITO also select a host city each year, to hold dance performances, workshops and a variety of celebrations related to the world of dance.
Related Holiday: National Dance Day
History and Origin of “International Dance Day”:
International Dance Day was created in 1982, by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITO). The Holiday is formally recognized by UNESCO.
The date of April 29th was selected, because this is the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre. The creator of the modern ballet.

National Shrimp Scampi Day is your opportunity to try a great new recipe.
Shrimp Scampi is easy to make, and Shrimp Scampi is tasty! Just cook the Shrimp along with Butter or Olive Oil, add chopped Garlic and Parmesan Cheese in a skillet. You can also add other ingredients like Parsley, Lemon, Bread Crumbs, Basil, Salt or Pepper.
Zip it or unzip it, today is National Zipper Day.
Did you ever stop to think about where we’d be without the zipper? You would be wasting countless minutes every day, using buttons, hooks, clasps, and string ties to open and close our clothing. With the creation of the zipper, one quick zip, and your clothes are quickly and comfortably opened or closed.
Thankfully, the zipper was invented in 1851 by Elias Howe. On April 29, 1851, Elias Howe applied for a patent for the “Continuous Clothing Closure”. Strangely, Howe never marketed it. In 1893, Whitcomb Judson started the Universal Fastener Company and began selling the “Clasp Locker” which debuted at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, and initially received only a moderate success. In 1913, Gideon Sundback, a Swedish electrical engineer and Scientist invented and marketed the modern zipper, only it had not yet begun to be called a zipper. It wasn’t until 1923 that B.F. Goodrich coined the term “zipper”.
To this day, metal zippers are by far the most popular fastener. The strength and durability of the metal zipper, far surpasses that of plastic zippers. That’s not to say plastic zippers are little used. For example, plastic zip-lock food bags are extremely popular.
Velcro versus the Zipper – Velcro, the “hook and loop” fastener, was invented in the 1940s. It is very popular for a wide variety of uses. Some thought that Velcro would make the zipper obsolete. This wasn’t to be. Zippers are stronger and more durable. Velcro is a great fastener, Velcro is noisy and can get clogged with dirt, dust or hairs. Hence the military is not overly fond of Velcro in combat situations.
History and Origin of “National Zipper Day”:
Now that you’ve learned a lot about the zipper, you probably would like to know the origin of this Holiday. We know that the date of April 29th was chosen, because this was the date Elias Howe applied for a patent for the zipper. Unfortunately, we have yet to discover who created this Holiday, and when it was first celebrated.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates