I would like to welcome you to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 22, 2022. Please take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie says he would like to try Gourmet Jellybeans on National Jellybean Day while I sit this Holiday out.

U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson, the “Father of Earth Day”, initiated and promoted environmental actions and activities beginning in 1962. U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson convinced then President John F. Kennedy to tour the nation in support of environmental concerns. This initial effort did not spark national concern at a political level to effect change.
But Senator Nelson continued his pursuit of increased environmental concern and action. U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed a National Earth day in 1970. It was to be the first nationwide environmental protest “to shake up the political establishment and force this issue onto the national agenda”. On April 22nd, 1970, the timing was right and the first Earth Day protest received astounding support.
On that first Earth Day, an estimated 20 million Americans took to the street in support of the environment and in protest harmful environmental practices. Never mind that “protests” were in vogue at the time. This effort produced a lasting impact on the environment. Brought about greater awareness that our planet had limited resources. That our eco-system was self-contained and finite. The things we are putting in the air, water and earth were impacting us.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was formed as a direct result of this first Earth Day in 1970.
The Earth Day celebrated in the U.S. is different from the International Earth Day.
Girl Scout Leader Day honors the adult volunteers in the Girl Scout program. Girl Scouts of the United States began on March 12, 1915, when Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scott Troop and held the first meeting. Girl Scout Leader Day began on April 22nd, 1982. When a flag honoring Girl Scout leaders was flown over the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. This Holiday honors the thousands of volunteers who help to make the Girl Scout program a success.
Celebrate today, by thanking the Girl Scout leaders in your troop. Send a note, or card of thanks. Girl Scout groups can hold parties or have a cake at meetings. Gifts are not a requirement. One of the ways Girl Scouts can thank their leaders, is to do their best in everything they do. Your leaders get their reward by seeing you grow into outstanding citizens and human beings!
National Jellybean Day is a time to enjoy Jellybeans. Anyone who loves Jellybeans, knows these candies are more than just for Easter. Sure, Jellybeans are very popular at Easter but, Jellybeans are enjoyed year-round. The flavors are limited only by the imagination of candy makers. If you’ve never enjoyed the multitude of flavors in a box of gourmet Jellybeans, you should head to the store and purchase gourmet Jellybeans as soon as possible.
Jellybeans date back to at least the 1860’s. Did you know there were advertisements promoting sending Jellybeans to Union troops fighting in the Civil War? The original candy maker of Jellybeans is unknown.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates