Welcome back to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 2022: National Welding Day. I remember when my best friends Stepdad jimmy was here and working, Jimmy was a Welder and also seeing a lady Welder in the movie Flashdance but other than that I don’t know any Welders to celebrate. Do you?

The American Welding Society marks April as National Welding Month recognizing the industry and its workers that have kept the Country moving forward. Did you know that good Welding is invisible 99% of the time? Welding is only noticed when something goes wrong which is outrageously unfair.
Throughout April, the American Welding Society raises awareness about the shortage of trade skills in the Welding industry and its career paths. Celebrating the work of the welders who have delivered non-stop quality and built the world we live in, for Centuries.
Welding is a part of buildings, machines, cars, jewelry, bridges, and anything that involves fusing two metals that have been fused. The American Welding Society although first established National Welding Month in 1996 but the history of welding itself traces back to the Bronze age when man used to heat metal. Metals to be welded were heated until they would glow. Then they would mash the two pieces of metal together. Hammering the metal and allow the new shaped metal to cool down.
It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that electric welding techniques were invented. Fast forward to World War II, welding activities soared high due to an increase in demand for welded armaments. The more arms the Country could produce, the higher were the chances of winning the war. As a result, from the 1950s to the 1960s, the welding sector witnessed brilliant improvements. Advanced welding techniques including friction welding, electro-slag welding, electron beam welding, and laser welding were introduced.
Today, the welding industry constitutes more than 57% of the United States’ total GDP. National Welding Month, therefore, celebrates the historical impact of welding on our lives, promoting the skill, and encourages our youth to check into the ever-booming scope of the welding profession. The first National Welding Month by the American Welding Society featured giveaways of 500 AWS hats to the first 500 applicants. With an open house, informational sessions, a Social Media Campaign, National Welding Month celebrates welders of the past and present and looks for future welders
- If you’re looking for a switch in your career welding is reportedly one of the fastest-growing professions in the United States. Utilize April to top up your knowledge about welding as a career choice. Welding has a bright future ahead. Thanks to the ever-evolving technologies and is famous for a higher-than-average starting wage.
- Take the leap and learn one of the most lucrative trade skills. Or better yet, join one of the training centers in your neighborhood to enroll in the welding program.
- There’s always a handful of welders in every neighborhood. If you have friends or family who are welders, get them a of gift because they deserve it!
- The fastest welded ship was during WWII, constructed in 4 days and 15 hours by SS Robert E. Peary in 1942.
- Back in 1969, it was successfully tested that welding can be carried out in the depressurized environment as well.
- Space welding was successful because of a phenomenon called ‘cold welding.’ When two pieces of metals touch, they instantly get welded together due to the absence of a layer of Oxidation in space.
- According to research, the United States is expected to require 372,664 welding professionals by 2026.
- A welding professional can make as much as a doctor or a lawyer sometimes more, without a college degree!
- According to the American Welding Society (AWS), the welding industry is worth more than $5.5 billion and it is experiencing a serious skills shortage that is expected to increase with every passing year.
- Known as one of the fastest-growing professions in America, the welding industry is underappreciated for its competitive advantages including job opportunities and remunerations.
- The welding profession and the welders, both are unfairly under-recognized in today’s world. National Welding Month brings the hard work of our welders into the spotlight.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates