Good morning, how are you? Life has been crazy the past could days. As I was finally able to sit down this evening and could think I wanted to bring you our series featuring Unique Holidays: April 2022 Gifts from the Garden Month. Isn’t that the neatest Holiday ever?

Gardens and gardening offer us a wealth of benefits. So much so , that C.L. Fornari, of Osterville, Ma. has declared the Month of May to be Gifts from the Garden Month.
April is National Lawn and Garden Month; it is still cold and Snowy in many parts of the Country. C.L. Fornari readily points out that May is a nicer month for Weather. Most everyone in the Country can participate in gardening in May. C.L. Fornari even provides 31 reasons you can gain from gardening giving us one reason to enjoy gardening for each day of the month.
If you would like to find these facts check out her website at:
Then learn all about how gardening and how to grow things here: The Gardener’s Network
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates