Unique Holidays: April 18th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 18th, 2022. Now that we are done with Easter life showed slow down for most of us. But not my family who is still looking for a new home to rent and finish moving before the 1st of May. May the LORD help us. In the meantime, would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why.

Dyngus Day always the Monday after Easter

Dyngus Day Meme

Dyngus Day, also spelled Dingus Day, is a fun Polish Holiday and it is very popular in Poland, as well as in Polish communities across America. After the long Lenten holiday, Dyngus Day is a day of fun. Perhaps a little romantic fun. Dyngus Day is always celebrated on the Monday after Easter.

The Irish traditions and celebration on Saint Patrick’s Day is well known. For those of Polish decent, Dyngus Day is a similar day of fun, parades, drinking and festivities. You do not have to be Polish to enjoy Dyngus Day. Rather, consider yourself Polish for the day, and join in on the fun. You’ll be glad you did.

Dyngus Day Tradition:

There are all sort of ways for boys to meet girls. But, this one takes the cake.  

Guys, on this day you get to wet the ladies down. Sprinkling or drenching with water is your goal. Chase after the ladies with squirt guns, or other containers of water. The more bold and gallant boys may choose to use cologne. Hitting the ladies on the legs with switches or pussy willows is also common.

Ladies, you can strike back. and you can get your revenge on Tuesday, when tradition has it that you throw dishes or crockery back at the boys. This has become increasingly popular for the ladies to get their revenge on Monday, tossing water back at the boys.

Dyngus Day is also called Wet Easter Monday.

International Juggler’s Day – also applies to multi-tasking office workers

International Juggler’s Day – always April 18th.

World Juggler’s Day – Saturday Closest to June 17th.

International Jugglers Day and World Juggler’s Day celebrates the skill of juggling, and those talented people who can juggle many balls at a time. Common objects include balls, plates, and flaming sticks. The best jugglers can juggle up to ten balls at a time.

Juggling is a form of entertainment that has been around for thousands of years. Some of the earliest recorded history supplies proof that juggling was around during the early days of civilized Man. Juggling is primarily entertainment. Jugging is most well documented in Medieval times in Europe. Juggling remains popular today and juggling can be most frequently seen when the Circus comes to town.

Some might suggest that office workers are jugglers, as they multi- task and keep several “balls” going at the same time.

Celebrate Juggling Day by watching a juggler at work. Better still, get several balls and give juggling a try. You just might be a talented juggler!

History and Origin of “Jugglers Day”:

According to Juggler James Reid: “World Juggling Day was originally established in the mid 1980’s as “National Juggling Day” by the International Jugglers’ Association (IJA).”

Due to the lack of documentation, we are uncertain why there is both an International Juggler’s Day and a  World Juggler’s Day.

National Stress Awareness Day – first workday after U.S. taxes is due

Is work or school putting stress on you? Are the kids on your nerves? Is there enough money to pay all the bills? There are literally thousands of reasons for people to get stressed out. 

RELAX!!! Today is National Stress Awareness Day. Our opportunity to recognize that there is plenty of stress in our lives. As if we didn’t already know. More importantly, today is an opportunity to learn, and do something about the stress before it drives you batty.

April is also designated as Stress Awareness Month.

 There was method behind the madness. April 16th was designated as Stress Awareness Day, because it is the Holiday after taxes are due! 

The UK also has a National Stress Awareness Day, organized by the International Stress Management Association which is held in November. The date changes each year.

History and Origin of Stress Awareness Day:

Stress Awareness Day and Stress Awareness Month is sponsored by the Health Resource Network(HRN). They started this holiday in 1992, to increase public awareness of the causes and cures of stress.

Newspaper Columnists Day

Image result for Newspaper Columnists Day

National Columnists Day recognizes the importance of newspaper columnists.

The National Society of Newspaper Columnists, which was founded in 1977 sponsors and promotes this Holiday in support of columnists and journalists around the world. This Holiday is dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance and contributions made by columnists and journalists.  

Do you want to participate in this day? Read a newspaper or show appreciation to these writers.

History and Origin of “Newspaper Columnists Day”:

The National Society of Newspaper Columnists created National Columnists Day. The Holiday was established on April 18th, in memory of the day columnist, and Pulitzer Prize winner, Ernie Pyle was killed in World War II.

We did not find any documentation confirming this Holiday to be a “National” day.

Patriot’s Day – third Monday of the month 

Image result for Patriot's Day

Happy Patriots Day is a huge holiday in the New England area. Sorry football fans, this is not a celebration of the NFL’s New England Patriots. It’s a celebration of the American Revolution and the many brave Patriots who fought to gain freedom from British rule. The history of this Holiday goes back to the birth of our country and the Revolutionary War.

Some people know little or nothing about Patriot’s Day. For New Englanders, the birthplace of the American Revolutionary War, it is a big, big day. In the States in New England, it’s a holiday with a day off of work for many.

Patriot’s Day commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19th, 1775. This battle began the American Revolutionary War. It also commemorates the “Midnight Ride of Paul Revere”. On this evening, Patriot Paul Revere rode through town warning the colonists that “The Red Coats are coming!”  

More Information:

There are many more local Patriot Day celebrations, held on various dates. But, among the many Patriot’s Days, the New England celebration is by far the “biggie”.

The creator of this Holiday is unknown. But the Holiday has been celebrated in New England for many decades.

Pet Owners Independence Day

Image result for Pet Owners Independence Day

Pet Owners Independence Day is a time to celebrate. If you have a pet, that is reason in itself to celebrate because, it’s great to own a pet.

What is the reason for this holiday? According to the great folks at Wellcat.com who created this Holiday: “Dog and cat owners take off from work and their pets go to work in their place. Because most pets are jobless, our pets sleep all day. They do not take out the trash. Today owners get to stay home and lie around on the sofa. “.

If you don’t have a pet, you don’t get to enjoy this holiday.

History and Origin of “Pet Owners Independence Day”

This holiday was created in 2002.

 Pet Owners Independence Day is a copyrighted holiday which was created and is provided, courtesy of Wellcat.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates