Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 16th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For me hands down its Husband Appreciation Day.

Husband Appreciation Day – third Saturday in April

Note: Some internet sites erroneously record Husband Appreciation Day on other dates near the third Saturday of April but they fail to take into account that this Holiday is not a fixed date event.
The objective of this Holiday is for wives to show appreciation to husbands in a marriage with no children. In a marriage with children, there is Father’s Day, a Holiday to recognize the value of husbands with kids. It is only fitting that there be a Holiday, today, to recognize and show appreciation to childless husbands.
It should be very easy to show appreciation to your husband, for who he is, and for great things our husband does. You know your husband well, his likes and dislikes. Start by telling your husband he is appreciated. Give your husband a few examples you appreciate him. Select a couple of things your husband likes or likes to do, and make it happen. You can give your husband a gift today, but it isn’t a requirement.
While this Holiday was originally intended to honor husbands in a childless marriage, we encourage all wives to show appreciation for their husbands on this day. After all, showing your appreciation today and every day is a great way to have a great marriage.
Ladies, you will get your day, too. It’s in September: Wife Appreciation Day
History and Origin of Husband Appreciation Day:
Our research did not identify the creator of this Holiday. From what documentation we have seen, the assumption is that a childless husband or wife created Husband Appreciation Day.

Today is the perfect day to celebrate because its Mushroom Day, or Day of the Mushroom. This is a Holiday to enjoy and appreciate the culinary value of ‘Shrooms.
Mushrooms first entered the culinary scene in the 19th Century, when French Chefs first began using them. Since then, the popularity of Mushrooms has bloomed around the world.
Mushrooms is a fungus which grows in a dark and damp area. There are over 14,000 varieties of Mushrooms. No matter how much you love Mushrooms, don’t go out into the woods to harvest Mushrooms yourself. You really have to know your Mushrooms, as because there are varieties from mildly to highly poisonous.
One thing we know for certain, recipes abound for Mushroom lovers.
Related Holiday: Stuffed Mushroom Day
History and Origin of “Mushroom Day”:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day but while there is little written about this Holiday, it is quite popular, especially on cooking and recipe websites.
Did you know CPAs and accountants are affectionately called bean counters? They work hard all year long. When tax Season begins, CPAs and accountants’ life is not their own, as they work countless overtime hours. During tax season, there is an endless stream of financial documents and tax forms to be collected and prepared, to meet the April 15th tax filing deadline. When the day after tax season arrives, your beloved and exhausted green visor number cruncher is more than a little bit tired. Frankly they need a break from the numbers business. In recognition and appreciation of your green visored bean counter, today is National Bean Counter Day.
April 15th is the normal deadline to file your taxes but, if the 15th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the filing date is extended to the following Monday.
How to Celebrate National Bean Counter Day:
Today is a Holiday for no liabilities and only enjoyable assets and it is a day of rest, relaxation and celebration. All too soon, the 17th will arrive, and your faithful bean counter will be once again hard at work, doing the daily and monthly accounting tasks, filing amended returns, and quarterly fillings. You see, your accounting staff works hard for you every day of the year.
Give your bean counter a little TLC. Let him or her have a vacation day, and enjoy the day off. Let your follow-up calls and questions wait until tomorrow.
If you are a bean counter, take the day off and kick back and relax. Treat yourself and your family to a nice dinner out. Or celebrate this Holiday in any way you prefer, as it is your day. Rest assured no one will audit your activities today.
Bean Counters Favorite Movie: The Accountant (2016), starring Ben Affleck
The Bean Counter’s Extended Family:
People normally think of bean counters as CPAs and accountants. But there are other number crunchers, who are often considered bean counters including anyone who is in a financial forecasting, planning, or services environment, where a big part of their job includes crunching numbers. This Holiday is their day, too.
History and Origin of “National Bean Counter Day”:
This Holiday was created by Kevin Werig, a CPA from Trumbull, CT. Werig created this event, to recognize the hard work of CPAs and accountants, and to assure there is a day off work for accountants. Immediately after the tax deadline has passed.
National Eggs Benedict Day is a Holiday to enjoy Eggs with Hollandaise Sauce, Canadian Bacon and English Muffins.
A lot of people have never had Eggs Benedict. If you’re upper crust, you most likely have enjoyed Eggs Benedict a number of times, and on a regular basis. However, many people including regular folks have never tried Eggs Benedict. Go ahead and do a survey. See how many of your friends can even tell you how Egg Benedicts are made, or what’s in Eggs Benedicts. Ask them what Hollandaise Sauce is.
Celebrate today by eating Eggs Benedict and if it’s your first time, we suggest you go to a restaurant where they know from experience how to properly make Eggs Benedicts.
History and Origin of “National Eggs Benedict Day”:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday. We do know that Eggs Benedict was created in New York City over 100 years ago. There are historical claims that one of two individuals are credited with its creation: Mrs. LeGrand Benedict in 1893, and Mr. Lemuel Benedict in 1894.
National Librarian Day celebrates and honors librarians. Liberians are among the most knowledgeable people you know. When you visit your library in search of a particular book, or research topic, they always quickly point you in the right direction with a smile.
Experts of the Dewey Decimal System, your Librarian aids and assists you in identifying and retrieving books, periodicals, and reference material. Librarians hold a wealth of knowledge in their heads. If you have a subject, you are researching? Chances are, the Librarian will point you right to the book.
Celebrate the day by sending a card to your librarian or visit the library today and make certain to say hello and “Thank you” to all of the librarians you see.
Related Holiday Events:
Record Store Day – third Saturday in April

Music defines the culture of each generation. Like any technology, the record industry has seen a huge evolution and succession of record formats over the past 60 years. In today’s high tech world, digital downloading of music, has all but replaced physical records in any format.
As downloading of music has grown in use, record stores have declined in numbers. Major chain music stores have disappeared, along with many independent stores. It is only fitting, that today we celebrate the hundreds of independently owned records stores that remain and the Culture they represent, even as they dwindle in number.
The Changing Record Format
Record formats have changed with the times and technology. First came 78 rpm vinyl records which were replaced by 33 rpm and 45 rpm vinyl records. The record industry reached its peak in the 1960s and 1970s. These records were bought by the millions for every hit song or album. Like every product, it slowly became obsolete, as new recording formats with better sound quality and more record storage capabilities came on the market.
First, there was beta and audio cassettes. The pace of the decline of vinyl records seriously increased with the arrival or audio CDs. Then, I pods hit the market by storm, as digital downloading of music arrived on the scene. Digital downloads of songs onto a wide variety of devices, has all but eliminated the existence of any physical records.
To celebrate Record Store Day, step back in time and visit your local record store. The few Record Stores that survive will evolve their product line to fit a digital world. Support the Record Store, by purchasing a record or two. Record Stores will recognize this Holiday with special events and store specials.
Related Holidays:
History and Origin of Record Store Day:
Record Store Day was first created in 2007 by the folks at recordstoreday.com
Elephants are the largest Mammal to roam the Earth today. Elephant numbers are dwindling, and their very survival is at risk. That makes Save the Elephant Day an extremely important day. Also called World Elephant Day, this Holiday was created to call attention to the plight of our beloved Pachyderms.
Young and old, everyone loves Elephants, Elephants are the most popular Animal in the Zoo. Unfortunately, in their native environment Elephants very survival as a species is at risk. Due to a shrinking habitat and poaching. Poaching is taking a very serious toll, as the Elephants tusks are made of Ivory which is prized. While the sale of Ivory is banned around the world, Ivory commands a huge price on the black market.
On Save the Elephant Day, visit the Elephants at your local Zoo. Find out more about groups that are working to save Elephants habitat, as well as those fighting poachers, who kill Elephants for their Ivory Tusks. Support Elephants with a donation, if you can.
History and Origin of “World Elephant Day”:
Save the Elephant Day was founded in 2012 and the Holiday was created by the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation of Thailand, working in conjunction with Canadian film maker Patricia Sims. Elephant Reintroduction Foundation of Thailand goal is to raise the awareness of the threat to survival caused by loss of habitat and poaching.
World Circus Day – third Saturday in April
When is World Circus Day? This holiday event is held on the third Saturday in April
Send in the Clowns because today is World Circus Day. Everywhere in the world, it’s always been a big deal when the Circus comes to town. The Carnival atmosphere, the big tent, Lions, Elephants, death-defying daredevil acts, sword swallowers, clowns and much more awaits circus attendees young and old.
The Circus, with its wide range of entertainers, has performed their acts around the world, in small towns and big cities for hundreds of years. The Circus is still alive and well in many parts of the world. In the United States, this is not the case. Since the 1800’s Americans in small towns and big cities flocked to the Circus when it came to town. Decades ago, there were several Circuses traveling and preforming in the U.S. ‘
Today, the Circus no longer brings smiles and laughter. The Circus has fallen silent, as a victim of Animal Rights Group protests, falling attendance, and higher operating costs. Since 1919, Ringling’s Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus performed their acts all over the U.S. Ringling’s Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus were billed as “The Greatest Show on Earth”. Ringling’s Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus performed their last act on October 6, 2018, putting a sad face on Clowns all over the United States.
To celebrate this Holiday, make plans to see a Circus, if they come anywhere close to you. Short of that, you can watch movies with a Circus theme.
Suggested Circus Movies:
- The Greatest Show on Earth
- At the Circus
- Ring Circus
- Charlie Chan at the Circus
- Big Top Pee-wee (yes, Pee Wee Herman)
- Circus World
- The Great Wallendas
History and Origin of “World Circus Day”:
This holiday event was created in 2009 by the Federation Mondiale du Cirque.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates