Unique Holidays: April 12th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 12th, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For me I would like to celebrate International Plan Appreciation Day but with us moving its not feasible. Instead, I am going to celebrate Scrabble Day and see if I can find our Scrabble Game to play with Charlie. Would you like to join us?

International Plant Appreciation Day

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Today is Plant Appreciation Day. Plants are our friends, our counterparts. We breathe in Oxygen and exhale Carbon Dioxide. Plants take in Carbon Dioxide and give off Oxygen. Why, you could say it’s a marriage born in Heaven, or at least the Garden of Eden.

Today is a perfect opportunity to get closer to the plant world. Pamper your indoor plants. If you don’t have any indoor plants, what are you waiting for? Purchase some asap. This Holiday falls in Spring, a perfect time for everyone to plant outdoor plants. If you are not yet a gardener, now is the time to start a relaxing lifetime gardening hobby.

Learn all about gardening and all of your favorite plants through The Gardener’s Network.

History and Origin of “International Plant Appreciation Day”:

There isn’t a lot of documentation on this Holiday. Or research only found reference to this Holiday in the 2000’s. We did not find the originator of this Holiday. 

This day is referred to as an “International” day. However, we did not find any UN resolution or other proclamation ordaining it as an International day. We suspect the creator wanted everyone around the world to appreciate plants.

National Bookmobile Day – The second Wednesday in April

Future Dates: April 24, 2021; April 13, 2022; April 12,2023; April 10, 2024; April 9, 2025

Image result for National Bookmobile Day

Today, we can celebrate Bookmobiles. Which is our chance to recognize and appreciate Bookmobiles value in bringing education and knowledge to your area. Making it much easier to gain access to books of all kinds. The traveling Bookmobile may visit your neighborhood. The Bookmobile may make a stop at your local school, or Community Center. By being mobile, the Bookmobile gets books to people who may not be able to get to the local library. The more rural the community, the greater the need for a travelling Bookmobile.

 Bookmobiles have been around since at least the 1800s. Bookmobiles helped to bring knowledge and education to America. For example, in 1839, the American School Library, travelled around to American frontier towns, bringing Harper and Brothers books to remote schools.

The arrival of the Internet made information and online books of all kinds to anyone who has an internet connection. This has caused a decline in the importance of Bookmobiles. Has the internet ultimately spelled the end of the Bookmobile? You tell me.

Related Holiday Events:

National Librarian Day

National Library Workers Day

History and Origin of “National Bookmobile Day”:

National Bookmobile Day has been celebrated annually since 2010. It was created and is sponsored by three organizations: the American Library Association Office for Literacy and Outreach Services. (OLOS), the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS), and the Association for Rural and Small Libraries (ARSL).

This holiday event is referred to as a “National” day. However, we did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.

National Peach Cobbler Day

Image result for National Peach Cobbler Day

You may not have known it when you woke this morning, but it’s National Peach Cobbler Day. 

Peaches are one of America’s favorite fruits. When you add Peaches into a Cobbler recipe, you’ve got a treat, which people will be asking for seconds.

Peach Cobbler is a deep-dish Fruit Pie, made with Peaches and Biscuit or a Dough like Biscuits. While it is best to serve Peach Cobbler hot. Peach Cobbler is delicious consumed cold.

Back in the 1800’s, American settlers travelling to the West, did not have the ingredients to make a then popular Suet Pudding. They used Peaches and Dough to cobble together this Fruit Pie.

The largest Peach Cobbler ever made, was baked at the Georgia Peach Festival in 2007. The Peach Cobbler measured 11′ X 5′ and 8″ deep.

History and Origin of “National Peach Cobbler Day”:

Peach Cobbler Day was created by the Georgia Peach Council in the 1950’s, to promote the consumption of canned Peaches. Canned Peaches can be enjoyed any month of the year which helps to answer the placement of this Holiday in April, when fresh Peaches are not available.

National Peach Cobbler Day is referred to as a “National” day which requires a presidential proclamation or an Act of Congress. However, we did not find any of these records for this Holiday.

Scrabble Day

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Scrabble Day celebrates the popular board game which has been popular around the world ever since. People young and old enjoy Scrabble.

Scrabble was created in 1938 by Alfred Mosher Butts and Scrabble is sold by Hasbro, Inc.

It’s very easy to celebrate Scrabble Day just get out your Scrabble Board Game and play a few rounds with family.

History and Origin of “Scrabble Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday. We discovered why the Holiday Scrabble Day was created. April 13th is the birthday of Alfred Butts, the inventor of the Scrabble game.

If you’re Homeschooling your children like I am Charlie. Then you might want to check out the following article: #HomeschoolwithBoardGames Scrabble Crossword Game

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates