Unique Holidays: April 11th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 11th, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I said we can’t wait to celebrate National Pet Day.

Barbershop Quartet Day

Image result for Barbershop Quartet Day

Barbershop Quartet Day honors four guys with great singing voices. This Holiday celebrates the founding of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America in Tulsa, Oklahoma on April 11, 1938. Did you know Barbershop Quartets date back to the early 1900’s in America?

Barbershop quartets are a popular musical group. Musical selections are usually happy and lighthearted and allow full utilization of the voice ranges and skills of these singers. Competitions at local or National levels encourage these Barbershop Quartets to flourish.

Celebrate today by listening to a Barbershop Quartet, either live or recorded.

Also see Barbershop Music Appreciation Day in July.

History and Origin of “Barbershop Quartet Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. Most likely, it was created by the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America to recognize the founding of their society. However, they do not make any reference to this day on their website.

Eight Track Tape Day 

Image result for Eight Track Tape Day

Eight Track Tape Day brings back fond memories of the Sixties and Seventies. During this era, eight track tapes ruled the music world. America’s love of the automobile was a driving force in creating the demand for musical cassette formats. For those who grew up in this era, an eight-track tape player in your home or your car was essential. Eight Track Tapes were eventually replaced by cassette and other formats for storing music.

Eight Track Tape Day is a Holiday to bring back fond memories of the Sixties and Seventies. If you still have tapes and a player, enjoy the day listening to great music. If not, just spend a few minutes looking back in time to when you loved your eight track tapes!

If you are under 50 or 60 years old, this holiday likely means little to nothing to you. We suspect this holiday may eventually fade away as time passes.

 Eight track tapes were created by the jet maker William Lear.

Related Holidays:

History and Origin of “Eight Track Tape Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day.

It’s origin likely hails from the sixties and seventies, when eight track cassettes were in use.

National Pet Day

Image result for National Pet Day Clip Art

According to Colleen Paige, the creator of National Pet Day, this holiday celebrates “the special relationship between humans and pets. As well as the joy pets bring to our lives”. National Pet Day also raises awareness, of the plight of all types of animal pets awaiting to be rescued and given a permanent home. Maybe, that home will be yours!

Today is a day about both pets and you. Undoubtedly, there is a special bond between humans and pets. We’re talking about any and all pets. There is a mutually beneficial relationship, to both you and your pet. As you feed, care for, and love your pet, you gain your pet’s loyalty and affection. It’s hard to be lonely, when a pet is at your side. A pet has a way of lifting your spirits. Pets often know when you are sick, sad, or worried. Your pet may try to offer comfort or sympathy.

 Taking on a rescue animal is a great way to celebrate this Holiday. Rescue animals are defined as any animal that is living in poor conditions, abandoned or abused. There is a huge joy and emotional reward, in taking on an animal in one of these conditions. You bring security, and safety to your new pet. The pet will reward you in many, ways.

Celebrate today by spending time and playing with your pet. Give your pet a special treat or a toy. If you don’t have a pet, consider adopting one from a shelter. If the opportunity arises, take on a rescue animal, if you can. 

Also see:

If Pets Had Thumbs Day

Love Your Pet Day

History and Origin of “National Pet Day”:

Colleen Paige, a Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert, and animal advocate created this day n 2006 to celebrate the unconditional love and bond between pets and humans.

 We did not find any presidential proclamation or an act of congress making this a true “National ” day.

National Submarine Day

I would like to ask you a question. Do you think Submarine Day celebrate the submersible boat, or the big hero sandwich? Most everywhere you find documentation on this Holiday, it hails today as a day to celebrate the submarine boat. We are certain that the April 17th the holiday is about Military Submarines, including the U.S. Submarine Force which was established on this date in 1900. That leaves us wondering what the March 17th Submarine Day is all about. Perhaps, it is in celebration of Hero Subs!?

Enjoy Submarine Day by watching movies featuring submarine boats or you could read a book featuring submarines. If you live close to a Naval Museum, take a drive to see a submarine today. If museum will allow you to go aboard the submarine, then today is the day to do that.

If you work at a deli, it’s okay to celebrate Submarine Day with a Submarine Sandwich of your choice. If you own the deli, give us a deal and run a Submarine Day special. In this case, celebrate Submarine Day on March 17th.

Now I have a question for you. Do you know what is the world’s most well-known submarine? The Yellow Submarine, written and recorded by the Beatles.

History and Origin of “Submarine Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day but we found a number of isolated and local events declared to be Submarine Day. The United Kingdom appears to be the most active Country with Submarine Day celebrations.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates