Welcome back to our series sharing Unique Holidays: April 10th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays below and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for me I think I will celebrate National Farm Animals Day because I would like to have a Miniature Farm. With Horses, Donkey’s and Pigs.

Avid golfers might suggest any and every day is Golfer’s Day but, on this day, it’s official. The only question is, does this day honor the golfer, the sport, or the Weather? I’s a little of each. Golfer’s Day is an opportunity to be thankful that someone invented this relaxing hobby.
Also referred to as “Golf Day”, there is only one proper way to enjoy this Holiday. That’s out on the golf course.
When Golfer’s Day falls on a weekday, it is even more special. Then you have an excuse to take a day off of work and go play a round of golf. Regardless of your score today, you know that even a bad day playing golf, is better than a good day at work.
Our extensive research on this Holiday came up with little substantial information around the history or origin of this day. On April 10, 1916, the Professional Golf Association (PGA) was founded on this day, and the first professional golf tournament was held. We know why this Holiday was created but, we do not know who created the Holiday or when it began.
The tubular steel golf club shaft was approved for championship play on this day in 1924.
This holiday event supports a noble cause. According to Colleen Paige, the creator of this Holiday, National Farm Animals Day was created to “raise awareness about the plight of slaughter animals. To find homes for abandoned and abused farm animals”. The Holiday promotes the welfare of American livestock.
On Old McDonald’s farm, and many other farms, you will see a wide variety of domesticated animals. Some of the common farm animals include Cows, Chickens, Horses, and Goats. That’s not the whole list. There are many other Animals that can be raised on a farm. Less common farm animals Llamas, Oxen, and more.
When we think of farm animals, we think of the lovable sides of the animals. We don’t think of their treatment and living conditions which isn’t always ideal. In addition to many forms of abuse, these animals are often treated with excessive hormones and antibiotics.
Visiting a working farm today is a great way to gain appreciation for the treatment and living condition of farm animals.
Related holidays and events: World Farm Animals Day
History and Origin of “National Farm Animals Day”
This holiday event was created in 2005 by Colleen Paige, a Pet and Family Lifestyle Expert.
National Sibling Day is a day to appreciate and cherish your brothers and sisters. Siblings are a special blessing that we take for granted. Siblings are often our best friends and supporters through life. Another reason to celebrate is that not everyone is lucky enough to have siblings and their lives are significantly different growing up, and throughout life.
Celebrate National Sibling Day in a variety of ways bec ause its a great time to be thankful for your sibling. Most importantly get in touch with your siblings. Visit them if they live nearby if not then all them. Send them a card, or a gift.
Related Holidays:
Brothers and Sisters Day
Sisters Day
History and Origin of “National Sibling Day”:
Claudia A. Evart, President and Founder of this Holiday, initiated National Sibling Day after the tragic deaths of her brother and sister. If you have lost a brother or a sister, you know just how important it is to cherish them and be thankful for them/
Since 1998, forty-nine state governors have issued proclamations making April 10 Siblings Day. President Bill Clinton has supported the Holiday but did not issue a proclamation. We are not aware of any presidential proclamation or an act of congress making this a true “National ” day.
Palm Sunday – date varies March 28, 2021; April 10, 2022; April 2, 2023; March 24, 2024; April 13, 2025: March 29, 2026

Palm Sunday is beginning the Holy week leading to Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem where people put Palms down in front of his path.
On Palm Sunday, Palms are distributed in Church and blessed during the mass. People take Palms home and place them around religious pictures. Palms remain there for a year until the next Palm Sunday when they are replaced by newly blessed Palms.
When discarding old Palms, remember it is a blessed religious object and should be burned or buried. Gardeners bury the Palms in their home garden, believing it will bless the coming year’s crop.
The versatile and invaluable safety pin was patented on April 10th, 1849. Patent #6,281. On Safety Pin Day, we celebrate this invention and its inventor.
The year was 1849 inventor Walter Hunt was in debt. Walter Hunt owed $15 to a friend. Hunt decided the way to get out of debt, was to invent something that he could sell. What was that great idea, that profitable invention? It was the safety pin. Walter Hunt applied for and received a patent for the Safety Pin. The safety pin is much safer than a straight pin, and quickly became popular. Walter Hunt sold the safety pins for a profit. Later, he sold the patent and received $400 for it. He paid his friend back and pocketed the remaining $385, which was a handsome amount at the time.
Note: A similar invention was made in England which was called the “English Pin”.
This holiday was originally called “Safety Pin Day” in 2015. In 2017, this Holiday was often referred to as “International Safety Pin Day”. Shortly after, the Holiday was sometimes called “National Safety Pin Day”. A lot of people believe this holiday event should be referred to as “Safety Pin Day”, which was its original title.
Safety pins have hundreds, if not thousands of uses.
- Safety Pins can be used to pin two pieces of clothing, during sewing or sizing for sewing.
- Pin together cloth diapers.
- Keep cloth bags closed
- Punk culture used safety pins for decorating clothing
Safety Pin World Records:
- The world’s largest safety pin was created by the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco, CA. That safety pin is on display in the museum, and measures 21 feet tall. The museum invites visitors to stand under the point of the pin for a great photo.
- The world record for the longest safety pin chain was set on September 6, 2019, and it belongs to Partha Chandra Deb of Bangladesh, and it measures 7,880 feet long.
History and Origin of “Safety Pin Day”:
We know who invented the safety pin and it’s history however, our research has not yet identified who created this holiday event. This event was created around 2015 and there is no reference to this Holiday before 2015.
The United Nations has not declared this to be an “International” day and we did not find any international organization or Country who declared this an “International” Day.
There is no presidential proclamation or act of congress making this a true “National’ day.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates