Unique Holidays: October 11th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

I would like to introduce our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 11th, 2022. Did you know today is International Day of the Girl Child. Making this the perfect day for me to celebrate my niece Lily. Who would you like to celebrate on International Day of the Girl Child and why.

International Day of the Girl Child– always observed on October 11th

The International Day of the Girl: Celebrating Girls Around the World (CitizenKid)

International Day of the Girl Child, 11th is today. Attaining women’s rights and equality has been a long struggle around the world. In many parts of the world, women continue to be oppressed, in many ways. International Day of the Girl brings attention specifically to young girls.

A key objective of International Day of the Girl Child is to draw attention to the challenges girls face. Putting the spotlight on the many problems should help to overcome them. Today also serves as a voice toward true equality.

International Day of the Girl Child also encourages and empowers girls to seek rights and equality. One of the early goals of this holiday has been to end arranged child marriages. While it may be hard for Americans and modern Nations to believe, child marriages continue to this day.

How to Celebrate International Day of the Girl Child

  • Today is a day to recognize that women’s and girls’ equality is an issue in all Countries.
  • Do your part to correct this problem.
  • Support women’s organizations.

History and Origin of International Day of the Girl Child

The roots of  International Day of the Girl Child go back to 1955. That year, the World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. Attendees of the conference unanimously approved a resolution titled “Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.” This goal was to promote and advance women’s and girls’ rights. This resolution was the first to specifically include girls’ rights in the declaration.

Canada promoted girls’ rights further, proposing and promoting a resolution to the UN General Assembly. On December 9th, 2011, they approved resolution 66/170, declaring October 11th as the International Day of the Girl Child. The resolution promotes girls’ rights and recognizes the unique challenges of accomplishing this goal.

Related Holidays

International Women’s Day

It’s My Party Day– always observed on October 11th

It’s My Party Day is today. Pull out all of the stops. Spare no expense. Let’s have a grand celebration. Do you really need a reason to have a huge gala? Me neither. Let’s get this party started!

What a great opportunity to have fun. Get into a festive mood, as we’re going to celebrate all day, and all night. You can make the party simple, or elaborate. Invite family and friends. Being mid-October, a Fall or Halloween theme is in order.

Teen star Lesley Gore sang the #1 pop music song It’s My Party in May 1963. At the time, Lesley was just 16. Life is too short. Let’s party on into the night!

How to Celebrate It’s My Party Day

  • Plan and organize a party.
  • Invite all of your friends and family.
  • Tell them the party is for you. If anyone asks why simply say “Because It’s My Party Day“.
  • Hold the party during the day, or at night.

History and Origin of It’s My Party Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of It’s My Party.

We suspect there is some link to pop star Lesley Gore’s 1963 song It’s My Party but of course this is only a hunch. We did not find any supporting documentation and, the song was a #1 hit in May 1963 which is the month Leslie Gore was born. (not October).

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates