Unique Holiday: October 4th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holiday: October 4th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie says it might be fun to play a Game of Golf as long as its Minatare Golf.

National Golf Day

Image result for National Golf Day

Many October Holidays center around Halloween and pumpkin themes. But there is ample room on the October calendar for plenty of Holidays celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics and there is room in October for an event that involves Golf and charitable causes.

National Golf Day is a major charitable event, sponsored annually since 1952 by the PGA.

On National Golf Day, all of the over 4,300 professional members of the PGA are encouraged to play golf with contributors. The entry fees of contributors goes towards a wide range of charitable causes. Each year, a top ranked golfer is made chairman of this event. This is a admirable and worthy event. Did you know many golf course hold their own events, with the proceeds going to charities.

Calendar companies, and Ecard websites have this Holiday documented on October 4th but we have scoured golf related sites, which report this day on varying dates in June.

National Frappe Day

Image result for National Frappe Day

National Frappe Day is today and it’s time to make, or buy, your favorite Frappe to drink.

One might consider Frappes to have an identity crisis because it’s made of many different things. The dictionary definition of Frappes is that they are an Ice Cream beverage drink. What’s with all of the confusion? First of all, definitions and recipes, are the same as the ingredients for a Milkshake. Many Frappe recipes do not call for Ice Cream at all. Some use Whipped Cream and other recipes use Yogurt in place of Ice Cream. Other recipes include Alcohol.  

Do you care what the official definition of Frappes is? I don’t because I don’t drink them but you might care just care that Frappe tastes good, that you clamor for more. Thanks to Frappe popularity, there are recipes galore. The most popular are Coffee and Mocha Frappes, served by Coffee Shops and Cafes.

Did you know there is a reason why we celebrate National Frappe Day in October? It’s so we can enjoy  Pumpkin Frappe.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates