Good evening check out the Unique Holidays: June 25th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you would would like to celebrate and why.

Log Cabin Day brings us back to a quieter, simpler, more rugged time. A couple hundred years ago, life was far more rugged. Americans moving West at the time may have been Ohio, or Tennessee found an untouched wilderness, filled with pristine forests. People built their homes out of logs from the plentiful and majestic forests. The log cabins were long lasting and served them well.
Life was rustic and simple. Heat was provided by an open fireplace, which also cooked their meals. If you needed air conditioning in the Summer? You would open the window and there wasn’t any glass or screening. There was no electricity which meant you didn’t have television or computers). If you needed plumbing just look towards the woods to the outhouse.
Log Cabin Day celebrates what was then the “Modern” home in America, and all of the lifestyle that accompanied it. Today is a day to appreciate the history of log cabins. You can visit Log Cabins at historical Museums.
Seven early U.S. Presidents were born in log cabins.
- Andrew Jackson
- Zachary Taylor
- Millard Fillmore
- James Buchanan
- Abraham Lincoln
- Ulysses S. Grant
- James Garfield
The History and Origin of Log Cabin Day:
The Log Cabin Society, founded by Virginia Handy, and the Bad Axe Historical Society, in Michigan created the annual Log Cabin Day on June 25th, 1986. Their objectives included promoting the preservation of Log Cabins. Along with the awareness and education of life during the era in America when log cabins were common.
Something’s fishy today. Did you know it’s National Catfish Day? Aday to enjoy Fried Catfish.
You should have no doubt what two things you should do today Fish for and eat Catfish. Enjoy a plateful of Catfish, cooked anyway you want. Chances are, you will eat farm raised Catfish, which supplies the vast majority of Catfish to the U.S. market. Wouldn’t it be much more fun to Fish in the morning, to catch the Catfish you will eat?
The History and Origin of National Catfish Day:
Today is truly a national holiday!
On June 25th, 1987, President Ronald Reagan began a Presidential Proclamation with the words “More and more Americans are discovering a uniquely American food delicacy Farm-Raised Catfish.”
Proclamation 5672 — National Catfish Day, 1987
National Food Truck Day – fourth Friday in June

National Food Truck Day, which is also called National Eat at a Food Truck Day, is today. School is out. Summer has begun. Thousands of food trucks around the country have hit the road. Food trucks are run by local, small business entrepreneurs. You can find Food Trucks located at street corners, in parks, and special events. When you eat at a food truck, you are supporting your local small businesses.
According to the creators of this Holiday the goal of National Food Truck Day is to “celebrate small businesses across the country. The people who operate food trucks, food truckes are all hard-working small business owners that make our Cities more delicious and diverse. We wanted to create a National Holiday that celebrates the entire industry and raised awareness.”
Food trucks are traveling restaurants. Food Trucks contain kitchens equipped with all of the refrigeration, cooking, serving, and cleaning equipment needed to serve you with the food they offer. Speaking of food, each Food Truck has their own diverse menu. Offering a wide variety of foods, from gourmet to traditional Summertime favorites. Depending upon what Food Trucks are at the rodeo, you can select from traditional Hamburgers, Hot dogs, or Fried Chicken. Or, you can eat “International” selecting from among a multi-cultural assortment of foods from all over the world. Gather several of these Food Trucks, and you have a food rodeo with a wide menu to please everyone.
You will find food trucks everywhere. There’s hardly an event, that does not utilize the menu versatility a group of several Food Trucks have to offer. It is beneficial to both the food truck industry and the entertainment or event venue. For food trucks, it means increased business success, with more faithful followers and increased profits. The popularity and diversity of the Food Truck menus bring more people to the events. People actually follow their favorite food truck from one event to another, increasing attendance.
There are over 18,000 food trucks in the U.S. That number is increasing every year.
On National Food Truck Day, many food trucks offer special deals. We encourage you to get outside in the warm, sunny Summer weather and order from a food truck today!
The History and Origin of National Food Truck Day:
This holiday was created in 2016 by the organization “Roaming Hunger”. Its purpose is to encourage people to eat at food trucks, which are operated by local, small businesses. The date was chosen to align with the kickoff of Summer.
Originally named “National Eat at a Food Truck Day” back in 2016, the name was changed to “National Food Truck Day”. In 2018, the Roaming Hunger organization contacted the original creator of National Food Truck Day Rick McNeely who agreed for the organization to take over the Holiday. Rick McNeely allowed the date to be moved from October to the current date. Since then, National Eat at a Food Truck Day changed to National Food Truck Day.
Roaming Hunger confirmed that this is not a true “National” Holiday because there is no congressional order or presidential proclamation.
Take Your Dog to Work Day Friday after Father’s Day

Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. I believe we should ask “Why!?”
They say every dog has its day. Well, that day has arrived. Today, your dog gets to join you at work. Of course, this can only happen if your boss will allow it.
Once the dog arrives at work, he can can tag along, following you on all of your work chores. The dog will be at your side all day long. He’ll frown at those dog-eared papers on your desk. He’ll end the day happy, but dog-tired.
Now, that’ we’ve had our chuckle, it’s time to recognize that this is a serious holiday for “Man’s Best Friend”. It is sponsored by Pet Sitters International. The objective is to recognize the importance of dogs in our lives as both companions and protectors. Pet Sitters International also encourages you to help homeless dogs. One way to do so, is to adopt a dog today!
Once your dog has arrived at your work the questions is now what? What do you do with the dog? Will there be organized activities and a luncheon in his honor!?
Sorry, but equal rights has yet to arrive in the pet world. We have not found a “Take Your Cat to Work Day”, or a “Take Your Parakeet to Work Day”.
The History and Origin of Take Your Dog to Work Day:
This Holiday for you and your dog was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International.
It was created to recognize dogs as great companions, and to encourage adoptions of dogs.
Don’t forget to check out Pet Sitters International.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates