Unique Holiday: June 1st

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holiday: June 1st, 2021. Take a look at today’s Holidays and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

Dare Day

Dare Day | bluejayblog

Lordy Lordy I don’t want to tell Charlie or David its Dare Day because there isn’t any telling what they might Dare the other to do. Or for that matter what Charlie and his friends might dare each other to do.

Dare Day is a day to challenge someone, and to do a dare yourself. It’s a day that daredevils truly relish and today is definitely a call to action. Its not a day for procrastinators or for hesitation.

Dares take all forms and shapes and the type of dare is almost limitless. Whether it is a prank, or a challenge to accomplish something, or a personal action (like asking someone out on a date), this is the day to make the dare. And, its the day to do the dare. We do suggest that dares be safe, and of course, legal…….

Daring to the max: To dare someone to do something risky or challenging is one thing. Declaring the “double dog dare” heightens the challenge. The highest degree of challenge is to “triple dog dare” someone. It should not be used lightly, or frequently.

The most important dare is the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program.

The History and Origin of Dare Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day.

We did discover, that Dare County, England celebrates a Dare Day on the First Saturday in June. It is possible, that this is the origin of the day.

We “double dog” dare you to find more information about this day!

Flip a Coin Day  

Flip a Coin Day

I honestly don’t remember the last time David or I flipped a coin. Or if we ever have. As for Charlie I also don’t think he has ever filliped a coin so today is a good day to start. Would you like to join us in Flipping A Coin or two?

Flip a Coin Day is a day when making decisions is as easy as flipping a coin. This tradition dates back to Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar would take a coin and flip it to make decisions where the right choice was unclear. The correct answer was “heads”, which of course carried his image on the coin.

To celebrate this day? You guessed it…Flip a coin.  Use this method of decision making for all decisions, you do today. Just don’t let flipping the coin let you make bad or wrong choices.

The History and Origin of Flip a Coin Day:

Legend has it that the creator of this day flipped a coin to determine whether he (or she) was going to document this holiday. The coin came up “tails”. Do you believe that?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates