Lily and I both Love Unicorns and she has been wanting to study so she is ready for Kindergarten. I came up with this Unicorn Fine Motor Rescue skill her and her mom can do together.

Rainbow Loom Bands
A unicorn figurine

Take rainbow loom bands and wrap them around the legs of a unicorn figurine or toy.
Be sure to entangle the legs, tail and horn with bands.

Add more for a really challenging activity or less for an easier activity for younger kids.
Encourage your child to remove the bands from the unicorn and rescue it from its entrapment.
When finished, be sure to dispose of the bands as they can be dangerous for babies who want to put things in their mouths and cats who want to play with them.
Supervise this activity closely to make sure the bands are disposed of for safety!

Do you know of other Unicorn Crafts, Snacks or Books I can get for Lily?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates