Understanding the Existing Myths about HIV

Understanding the Existing Myths about HIV

AIDS and HIV infection are supposed to be two of the most misunderstood diseases existing today. Since AIDS was identified for the first time in 1981, we have come across numerous misconceptions, myths, and tales about HIV infection and AIDS. Even though today, there is far more HIV awareness and both the stigma and the death rates associated with HIV and AIDS are going down it is necessary to get rid of the misconceptions and get a clear picture of the reality behind HIV infection. Here are some common HIV misconceptions people entertain even though they are getting more educated day by day about the HIV truths.

Misconception No.1: People Get Infected with HIV through HIV Test Itself

Many people believed that you would acquire the virus by taking the precise HIV test itself. There is absolutely no chance of you getting infected by HIV unless a clinic irresponsibly reuses any needle which had been used on an HIV positive patient previously. This is surely the most unlikely situation and has not been reported ever. There is absolutely no truth in the assumption that HIV testing would automatically lead to the infection.

Misconception No.2: People Who Are HIV Positive Are Bound to Die from AIDS

It was believed in the initial years that anyone testing HIV positive would ultimately die from AIDS within just a few years. There are certain effective medications which along with certain sustained lifestyle modifications and complementary therapies could keep the virus under strict check and help HIV infected patient from not developing fatal complications related to AIDS. You may visit https://www.mybiosource.com/learn/testing-procedures/immunoprecipitation/ to learn more about the polyclonal antibodies and the neutralizing antibodies.

Misconception No.3: You Could Get HIV Even From a Doorknob

You need to realize this is a complete lie. The HIV virus could never be transmuted through any casual contact just by using a public toilet seat, or from a doorknob, a handshake, or any such superficial contacts. The fundamental cause for the spread of HIV virus is unprotected sex or exposure to bodily fluids or blood from an HIV infected patient or intravenous drug use or from the mom to her child during pregnancy or also through blood transfusions provided the blood was received from an HIV infected patient. HIV transmission through blood transfusions is highly unlikely in the current state-of-the-art medical facility.

Misconception No.4: Unprotected Sex is Safe between HIV Infected Partners

It is certainly not advisable to carry on leading a previous way of life without paying any attention to the diagnosis. In order to minimize your risks of getting a full-blown AIDS, you must coordinate with a healthcare professional for managing the disease well.  

Misconception No.5: HIV Would Not Be Transmitted Through Oral Sex

One common misconception is that HIV could not be contracted or transmitted through oral sex. If anyone having oral sex has some sort of an abrasion or cut in his mouth when he comes in contact directly with HIV-infected bodily fluid, he could get infected. Using a condom or dental dam could minimize the risk of HIV transmission.


We have discussed some of the most common myths and misconceptions about HIV infection. There are numerous other misconceptions. It is high time you educated yourself and became more aware of the reality associated with HIV infection and AIDS.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates