Ultimate Blog Challenge October 2020 Day 20

For this mornings prompt we were to share a challenge we face in our company. For me that is having my family not David and Charlie but our extended family respect me and relize I do work from home.


I can’t just drop things because you want or need to go to Walmart’s. Or walking or what ever it is you want me to do with you. David is off now on Wednesday and Thursday and one of those days is going to be our Family Time.

Not time for us to do your errands or Honey Do’s but time for us to do out Honey Do’s. The other day David is off is when we will be attending Field Trips with Charlie as he homeschools.

Like me just because Charlie is home doesn’t mean he doesn’t have things to do. He can’t just stop school and go do your bidding and call. We don’t do that to you and we would appreciate you not expecting us to.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates