Hello, how are you? Here we are still playing catch up but you know what one day I will be caught up. Then I can throw a party would you like to join us in my celebration?

In the meantime how are you? How is Covid-10 where you live doing? has things settled down? Are you in one of the States that is having Gas Shortages? Thank the LORD were not.
As for things returning to normal they are slowly and I see more and more people not wearing mask. Which I thought I would be okay with but I am not. I find myself still wearing the mask because I don’t want to get sick and I wouldn’t want to make anyone else sick.
Charlie doesn’t even like leaving the house because he is afraid we will end up with Covid and its worse now that we have been sick. I even told Charlie we could get him the shot which he refuses because he is scared or needles.
So I just put everything into the LORDS hands and move through life the best way I can and I hope your doing the same thing. I wish you a wonderful day and will be PRAYING for you and your family to remain safe and I wish you would PRAY for mine.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates