Ultimate Blog Challenge July 7th, 2020 Day 7

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to Monday and our second week for the Ultimate Blog Challenge July 7th, 2020. How are you? It’s so hard to believe we have one week done. Before we know it this month will be gone and we will be counting down till the next challenge.

How are things in your State? Are they still closed down? In Haltom City which is a community inside Fort Worth where we live they are. But I was able to take a trip to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma yesterday and to go shopping anot not have to wear a mask.

For me that was a God send as I can’t breath with the mask on. I’m anxious to see how the two events I was able to secure this week will go. I’m wondering if we will have to wear mask.

This is what makes me happy!!!

If we do I’m not sure how long we will be at the events which is sad and upsetting to me because I have been counting!! on them. But I don’t want to disobey a law.

Or put my family in any harm especially David who is a Essential Worker.Instead of worrying I am just putting it into the Lords hands as he knows our needs before we do.

In the meantime the prompt for this morning’s challenge was to we was to share something fun in our business or personal life. At the moment there hasn’t been anything fun happening as we have been on Self Isolation.

I know in the LORDS time thing will turn around so I have been focusing on my blog and working with new clients and I am finding my love for blogging again.

I’ve been able to find new clients in person and online to work with. As well as spending more time with my family that I usually do. We have take a couple trips to Oklahoma.

As well as working with Charlie to prepare for school next year. To most people this might not sound like a lot of fun but for me it is as I am spending timew doing the things I love.

How about you?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates