Ultimate Blog Challenge July 6th Day 6

The Mommies Reviews

In this morning’s prompt we were asked: If this morning can be another teaching moment – Share with your visitors a valuable lesson you learned that helped you overcome a challenge you were facing. As you share this lesson, tell your story of what your problem was and what the outcomes was.

Instead of doing this though I would like to ask you for PRAYERS for a unspoken need. I have to do something that is very hard this morning that I never thought I would have to do.

My family is taking a Day Trip to complete this mission and it’s raining and my nerves are shot. I know the LORD knows our needs and he will watch over us but still if you believe in PRAYER please Pray for our family.

Pray-ers Needed! – First United Methodist Church of Olympia

Especially that there will be NO DRAMA today and that I can walk away at the end of the day with my head held high. Just as my dad would have wanted me to do.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

4 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge July 6th Day 6

  1. You’re always in my prayers my friend! I hope everything went well and regardless of the outcome, always keep that head up. You are amazing!

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