Ultimate Blog Challenge July 5th, 2020 Day 5

The Mommies Reviews

This morning’s prompt asked us to teach our readers something as they come to our sites to find things out. But as I sat here I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to share.

I have plenty of questions I would like answers to but nothing to share at the moment. I wish I could say it’s because there is somethings happening in my life I don’t know how to handle.

But that isn’t the case it’s just I am tired I do all I know how to do and it doesn’t seem to do any good. I wonder if it’s time to throw in the towel but I don’t believe that is what the LORD want’s me to do.

As I find new clients to work on all the time. All I am going to do is put one step in front of the other and just keep trucking along. Even if I don’t have people visiting and commenting the way I wish.

Thoughts and Prayers are needed today - The Autism Dad

I know if I don’t give up that the LORD has plans for us and I can and will turn things around. All I would like to ask is if you would Pray for my family as we face many changes in not only my business but my personal life.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates