Hello, like the little train that thought he could and he did. Here I am trudging along trying to catch up in the Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2020 Day 23.

Have I caught up yet, the answer is no. But I am trying and I am not going to give up because I know I can catch up as long as I put one foot in front of the other.
The sad part is I’m not only behind in the Ultimate Blog Challenge but in Charlie’s Lesson plans where is he studying All Things Disney. Thank goodness school has started yet, or I would be up a wall without a paddle.
In this mornings prompt we were asked in our niche is there a tool that you find indispensable in your day to day activities? Or do you use a program or website that you feel like you absolutely have to have or your life will be miserable?
Share this tool with your readers and let them know why you use it.
The only tool I’m using at the moment is Grammarly which I ‘ve used in the past and I love Grammarly. As of this time I can’t tell you how well Grammarly is working as I just paid for a year. I’m having trouble getting Grammarly app added to my website. It’s about to drive me to drink.
In there meantime here is what Grammarly is:
The writing assistant that works where you write. Check grammar, wordiness, and more. Great writing gets better results. Take yours to the next level. Eliminate grammar errors. Easily improve any text. Services: Advanced Grammar Rules, Contextual Spell Checker.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates