Howdy, how are you? Can you believe we are half way through July? I can’t. Before we know it Winter will be here and we will be preparing for the Holidays.

Are you ready? I am and can’t wait until Christmas which is my favorite time of the year. I am PRAYING the world is back to normal and COVID is gone so all of my favorite events are opened back up.
Ever get a song stuck in your head? Or do you have a favorite song lyric? How about a motto or creed that you live by (like, “Every Day Counts,” or “There are no failures, only lessons.”
Share a song lyric or the phrase you live by with your community.
Believe is my motto and the Bible Verse I live by is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
My favorite song used to sung by Rachel Platten – Fight Song (Official Video) but now it’s David Lee Murphy & Kenny Chesney – Everything’s Gonna Be Alright (Audio)
Have you heard of either song? If so what did you think of them and why? Is there a song you would like to share with me? Or a Bible Verse or just words you go to when things happen.
Don’t forget to share your Day 16 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at and share the URL of your post with the group.
If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates