Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #1

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome it’s time for the Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #1. If you aren’t familiar with the challenge we are to blog once a day for the month of July.


Everyone joins the challenge for different reasons. I join so I can see what my friends have been up to. As well as sharing my blog for others to come and comment on the post I write.

I have been joining the Ultimate Blog Challenge for years and more time that not I am not able to blog daily and lots of times I haven’t even finished the challenge.

But I am not going to give up and this brings me to today and the first post in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. If you haven’t joined us it isn’t to late. Just click on this link.

After you have published your first post don’t forget to share your Day 1 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/UltimateBlogChallenge and share the URL of your post with the group.

If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

1 thought on “Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #1

  1. Glad you’re back for another try Glenda! Don’t fret if you can’t write everyday, make your personal goal to write a certain amount, say 2 or 3 then you may just find you will come up with even more! Have Charlie write another blog also, I enjoyed reading his last time.

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