Ultimate Blog Challenge July 1st, 2020

The Mommies Reviews

What a way to start the Ultimate Blog Challenge for July 1st, 2020. As usual I am late but what would you expect. As we move forward through the challenge the Goal is to write one post a day.

Before you say I wouldn’t have anything to write about everyday once you sign up for the Ultimate Blog Challenge they send a post each day with a prompt for a blog post.

You can use the prompts or write what ever your heart feels like. For me I try and use the prompts but sometimes I don’t get them or there is something I want to write about and so I do that.

Welcome July! – Live Life! | Ute smile

Come and join us and lets see where this new challenge brings us. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the Facebook group. Then visit other blogs and comment on there post.

Lets all grow our blogs and make new friends this month. Share tips with me and let me know what you like or dislike about my site and why. I can’ only grow through your help.

Welcome Friends – Cynthia Frenette

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

5 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge July 1st, 2020

  1. I have fallen out of blogging but have really missed it, and the blogging community. I think this would be a great way to gently prompt me back into taking time for my blog. I’d love to join!

  2. Hi Glenda! So glad you’re participating again. Let’s make it through together!! I’m looking forward to your posts – especially any relating to your family. I can tell they are the center of your world just as mine is!

  3. When I saw the line-I’m late, but what do you expect-I knew I had “met” a kindred spirit. Juggling doing an actual business with marketing and family responsibilities is a challenge. Even for me and the only family I have left at home is two pups! I look forward to seeing more of your posts in the challenge

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