Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 5th Day 5. For this mornings prompt we was to give you One Piece of Advice. Oh, Lord what can I share?
Before I do can you believe the first week is almost gone? I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep up each day of the challenge. Which I haven’t been able to but that isn’t going to stop me.
. How about you how are you doing with the Ultimate Blog Challenge? Have you been able to post one blog post a day? Or are you like me behind and playing catch up?
I’m not sure I have any advice to share with you. Is there something you have wanted to ask me or that you need help on? If so leave me a comment and I will see if I can help you.
Here is what Paul the creator of the Ultimate Blog Challenge said about this mornings prompt: One Piece of Advice
What is an issue or activity you have a lot of knowledge around? If you were giving your one best tip to someone brand new to that subject or business, what would you tell them? What do you wish you’d known when you were new to the question or activity?
That’s it for today – nice and simple!
As I sat here and thought out what I could share with you, one thing kept coming to mind which is Believe in yourself. Always and never give up. Take baby steps and just keep telling yourself you think you can you think you can.
As I sit here and work I’ve already been told that I need to find something for my son to do when he is home from school so I can work. I understand that but I do what I do so I can be with Charlie.
I know my friend meant to give me advice I could use so I can stay on task. My question for you is if I chose to work from home to be with my son why would I tell him to find something to do so I can work?
When I can stay up later or get up earlier or work when he is outside because without David and Charlie there wouldn’t be a blog. Nor would I want one without them.
I have a question for you what would you tell a parent who wants to start a business or a blog? Especially if there children are small and home all day?
I wish you a Blessed week and I appreciate you stopping by a little piece of my world.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
I am a mother, with two kids. I need to work due to financial pressures. But I find time to balance work, parenting, family and blogging. I think the whole game is about balance. I haven’t monetized my blog yet, I dont know what will happen after it is monetized.
Even if you monetize your blog you can still balance work and life. It just gets trickier for some of us.
I would tell them to become master schedulers!
Seriously, though, being able to create a structure is so important in trying to work and parent. For you, it sounds like you’ve created a schedule that allows you to spend time with your son when he’s most active, and get your work done in the mornings and evenings. For someone else, it may mean setting aside an hour or two during the day when the children can play independently, or have ‘quiet time’ with rest or books and mom can work. If we don’t consciously schedule things, we will default to what is easiest. And that isn’t usually the most productive!
I agree a schedule is a must and must be flexible and be able to change at the drop of a hat. As life can throw unexpected curves at us and does.
I will.
Great advice. Believing in yourself breeds confidence. That’s the start of something good. It’s also important for teachers, parents and coaches to demonstrate that they believe in those entrusted to their care. Not practiced often enough. Thanks for sharing Glenda.
Thank you for the kind words. As I am trying to get better at it although I still stumble and always will.
Your welcome.