Ultimate Blog Challenge: January 3rd, 2025

The Mommies Reviews

Here we are on Day 4 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and you see me playing catch up. I needed to share my post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge: January 3rd, 2025 which would be Day 3. It’s okay with baby steps and everyone’s support I can and will catch up and finish the challenge. Just as I know you will.

In this morning’s prompt we was asked to: Who Do You Admire & Why?

I’ve answered this question in the past when I shared about my dad who had Gout and would crawl into work on his hands and knees. I’ve also shared about my daughter Suzzie whose life saved 70 people. As well as David and all he does for everyone. I wouldn’t even be surprised I haven’t shared about Charlie and what I admire about him.

As time marches on and Charlie has become a adult the more I see what a incredible kind caring young man he has become. Charlie believes in the LORD with all of his heart and soul. I love how Charlie would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.

Charlie has started his own Streaming Company so he can work from home to help not only me out but his grandparents. Charlie entered a Gaming Contest where he has the opportunity to win a million dollars. Charlie shared what he would do with the money if he won and this just shows you how kind and caring he is.

Charlie said he would purchase land and put a home on it for David and I with a garage for his dad and a office for me. With plenty of room for the Dogs to run and play.

Charlie said one of the homes would be for his Aunt Debbie and one for his Uncle Jr. Along with one for his best friend Bradley and his girlfriends parents.

Charlie would purchase a truck for his dad and a small car for Charlie and I to share.

Charlie said he would fix things in his grandmothers home.

Charlie said he would invest money for the future.

When I asked Charlie what would be do for himself he said all of this is for me because I’m helping the people I love and I will donate to my Church so they can help others.

Charlie is only 17 and most kids would have thought of all the could do for themselves and here is Charlie taking care of his family.

This is just one of the many reasons I love and admire my son. I can’t wait to see where he goes in the world because I know it will be far. I know Charlie is going to help many people and he will change the world through his love of God.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates