Ultimate Blog Challenge January 29th, 2023 Family ie Cates Boy’s #UBC

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to Sunday in our Ultimate Blog Challenge January 29th, 2023 . The end of the weekend leaving us with only a couple more days in the #UBC. It’s hard to believe not only is the second month of 23 coming to a end but the challenge as well. No, matter how much you did or didn’t do in the challenge give yourself a pat on the back for trying.

Before I go and hang out with Charlie and Jacob I wanted to let you know the prompt for Day 29: Share a Photo or Image. which will add a splash of visual interest to our blog by sharing a photo today. This can be a photo of you, your family town, your, or even your office. If you create products share a photo of a product you’ve created. Or a product that you’ve found online which inspires you.. Or share a photo that makes you laugh

I thought I would share a photo of Charlie meeting his Cousins for the first time yesterday at Jacob’s birthday party. All these young men are so kind, caring and handsome. Yet, my son is the only one who came home with a girls number and she is pretty enough to be a model. I can’t wait to meet her.

Have a wonderful weekend and if its chilly were you are stay warm because I am heading to the couch and my blanket because it’s 30 degrees here and my knee is starting to bother me from the cold. Please keep David is your Prayers as he feel on Friday and messed his knee up. David is working a double today out in this cold and I know he is hurting and he can’t have phone calls at work so I can’t even check on him. Which stinks Charlie says and I agree….

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

3 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge January 29th, 2023 Family ie Cates Boy’s #UBC

  1. we’re almost there. I hope you were able to rest a bit. So glad Charlie enjoyed his cousin’s party.

  2. That is a nice pic you shared today Glenda!! Keep warm (while it is not as cold here in California, it is certainly colder than normal for us..so we are keeping warm too)..

    1. I have heard from family it’s colder out there than the norm! What does that mean for you? Do you guys fight it off for a while without coats like us Texans?

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