Welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 21st Day 21 #UBS. Our host wanted to remind us if I we were in Vegas, he would yell, “Black Jack!” Although, if I were in Vegas I would be watching the shows. I honestly have no, desire to gamble. While David is different and would gamble all of our money away if I let him. Which is why you will never find us anywhere near a Casino. How about you?
I am sure you’ve heard that if you do something for 21 days, it becomes a habit! After blogging for a entire month can you imagine NOT blogging everyday? In this morning’s prompt I would like to ask you to Imagine the Future! Or, compare to thing’s
If I was to compare today to 5 years from now. I would be 73 years old. Can you imagine being that old? I can’t. I would like to think I would still be blogging but by then we might be living in Space and there might not be any computers. Which would be crazy wouldn’t it? Cars might fly through the air.
David and I would most likely be empty nesters because Charlie would be 21 and even if he lived at home God willing he would be off to College. I wonder how David and I will handle that. Will we even know how to communicate or would be become bored with each other? We would be celebrating our 20 year anniversary which I’ve always wondered would happen or not.
I would PRAY by then we would be back in a home instead of the apartment. As I look at our dogs I am not sure Bear would still be here which will kill Charlie because he is already 7 years old. Annie also might be gone and because she is a rescue dog and we weren’t sure how old she was when we got her. Leaving us with only Pheobie who is a Puppy and in 5 years would be 10 years old.
Come share what you think your life will be like in 5 or 10 years.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Now just wait a minute, you think 73 is old? I’ll be 74 in 2 months! LOL I can’t imagine Charlie heading to 21 in 5 years! As for gambling, I love to play the penny slots. When we go, we each have a $100 limit, if it’s gone so are we. But we usually bring at least that or a bit more home.
Wow, Day 21 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge already? Time flies when you’re having fun, or in my case, gambling away all our money in Vegas… just kidding (or am I?).
But seriously, as for me, I’ll probably still be blogging in 5 years, but hopefully not from a spaceship because, let’s be real, space travel sounds like a lot of work. And if cars are flying by then, I better be able to afford one. Otherwise, I’ll be stuck on the ground and bringing back hitchhiking!
Can’t wait to see what the future holds!”
Glenda, you will be ok at 73. I am apporaching 72 in a few months and life is good! Yup, your life will change a bit, however you get to create the life you want to experience.
As for Vegas, I am with you at the shows.
5 years from now I will be 67 years old. We are already empty nesters. It’s tough at the beginning but you’ll find your way. Thanks for sharing your story today.