Welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 20th, 2024 Day 20 and I’m still trying to get caught up with everyone before the end of the month. As of today I am two days behind everyone else and I know it’s because I’ve been sick and I’m still sick. I need to stop beating myself up for joining a challenge and not keeping up with the daily post.

As of today what happens is the LORDs will and I’m just going to work slow and steady. If I catch up I catch up. If not life will go on and I can join the next challenge in April. Before I go and take a break I wanted to share the prompt for this morning’s post with you.
Share an opinion about a current event or even a heated topic in your niche!
Oh – if someone comments on it and is against your point, don’t delete it! Controversy is GREAT for interaction! just make sure everyone plays nicely when leaving comments.
My head is so stuffed up and my eyes so swollen it’s hard to read and I can’t think clearly so instead of sharing something happening with you. I will ask you to come and share something with me. If you know of something that will take my mind of being sick or that will make me smile that would be a Godsend. Just don’t send a video because my ear is stopped up and I’ve got to figure out how to get it unstopped.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David cates