Well as you can see today is the 20th and as you look at the title for this post I’m on day 18. Never make plans because the LORD always has a way of getting our attention. In our home it was when David came home sick which was the flu and put him out of work for a week. Charlie followed with a stomach bug and sore throat.

Not to be left out I caught a cold and it put me out for two days of napping and feeling miserable. I’m still not 100% percent better so I’ve set small goals for myself. 2 hours of working and then napping for 2 hours off and one until 4 when David gets home from work and then I will not get back on until the next day.
I may never catch up on all the work I need to do but I’m taking care of my body and resting which is more important that work. This also gives me time to take care of Charlie because he has also been sleeping a lot which he needs to get better. I would like to thank David who isn’t 100 percent better but has been keeping the house from falling part. Going to the grocery store for us and even returning to work when he needed another day or two off.
I know the Lord doesn’t give us more than we can handle but I was beginning to wonder what he was thinking and I know we shouldn’t question the LORD. I will just believe everything is going to work out the way it should and someday somehow I will get caught up in the challenge and if not that is the LORDs will.
This mornings prompt asked us to
As a child, there were no limits on the possibilities of what you could do. You would dream and think about what it would be like when you were a grown up.
What if you still have that sense of wonder and the attitude that you could do ANYTHING you wanted to do… what would you be doing differently today?
At the moment all I can think of is surviving this illness and getting us back on track financially and finding a way to help David bring in extra money for Charlie’s graduation and helping Charlie find a job. But all that is on hold until we get better and I have no, clue when that might be. Just putting one foot in front of the other is taking all of my energy.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Do your part in goodness and trust in the Almighty Creator (Yahweh) in heaven that everything will be alright. He takes care of those who obey and trust in Him. I hope you all feel better soon.
I agree with you.