Good morning, welcome to our post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 17th, 2024 Ultimate Blog Challenge. The prompt this morning ask us to share something from the past, either your personal past, your businesses’ past or the world’s past.. To help is with todays post Bookmark the History Channel’s webpage, or for ideas in the future!

Did you know as a homeschool parent we can use these websites to create lessons for our students in History, Reading and even creative writing. Here is fun tip about me from when I was in high school my favorite class was creative writing. Did you take creative writing if so did you like it? In our History class we used to have to read the newspaper and cut out something to share with the class each day.
Being sick this week were over a week behind in the challenge and as much as I wanted to browse both websites I just don’t have the energy this morning but that will not keep me from checking them out in the future. Enjoy your day and remember to smile and be kind to everyone you come into contact with.
Pray for our family as we fight through the illness that has taken over our home and PLEASE pray David is able to get the Overtime he needs which had been cut out.
Here is two facts I would like to share that I can’t wait to share with David and Charlie:
1896 – The first five-player college basketball game was played at Iowa City, IA.
1920 – Prohibition went into effect in the U.S.
If your looking for a snack today is January 16: National Fig Newton Day. I wish my mom was here because she is the only one who would eat regular Fig Newtons with me but Suzzie likes Strawberry Fig Newtons. Do you like them?
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
I will pray that you guys all feel better soon. Don’t worry about being behind though. Just post when you can.
I will and thank you for the kind words