Ultimate Blog Challenge January 17th, 2023 #UBC #BlogBoost

The Mommies Reviews

I was going to look for the prompt in this morning’s Ultimate Blog Challenge January 17th, 2023. Instead since I’ve got such a busy day today I thought I would share what we will be doing today. David is off today thank the LORD because he has worked so much. Charlie and I haven’t gotten to spend much time with him.

I’m going walking this morning for the challenge I joined. I have housework as a friend is coming to visit tomorrow. Were going to talk about you restarting her blog since moving to Texas. I’m so excited to see her. Then I will have a blogging buddy close by. David is going to put my printer together. Charlie and I can print out his schoolwork.

I’m going to clean the house while Charlie does the carpets. David is going to finish decorating for Valentines Day because David has more patience than I do and is better at decorating. For lunch were going to the Clown which is re-opening today. This grand re-opening has all of our hometown in a buzz. Unless we get to the Clown and its crazy busy. We will come home and save the money for Thursday.

I have two events in Dallas on Thursday. We will need to eat out at least once on that day. I have the best husband ever who took the day off to attend the events with me and drive. I refuse to drive in Dallas, Tx. Charlie has one more year before he can drive us. If truth be told I’m not sure I would ride with Charlie in Dallas even though I love and trust Charlie. I don’t trust the other drives or the crazy signs that change in the blink of an eye and we would end up who knows were.

Have a BLESSED day and keep our family in your PRAYERS and things are changing her again. As well as for my knee which is giving me grief but I need to walk and finish this challenge I joined not only for the movement and getting up and outside but for my health. Especially my blood pressure.

This week Charlie is wanting to learn to play Chess. LORD help me….

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

5 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge January 17th, 2023 #UBC #BlogBoost

  1. It looks like you have prepared for a productive day. I wonder where you live since I also live in Dallas and Central Expressway is my way to drive often. I feel as if I am on the Indie 500 sometimes.

    I love that you have free hugs available for all of us…Hug on!

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