Ultimate Blog Challenge: January 16th, 2025

The Mommies Reviews

If I had gotten this post done on the correct day then this post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge: which happens in January would have been for the 16th, of 2025 which would have been a Tuesday. Bit if you’ve ever visited my site then you know more times that not I’m late to the Party.

I could blame it on my family or friends or even because of my #health but that isn’t always the case sometimes its just because I was lazy and didn’t focus on what I should be doing. Instead I wind up on the couch under a blanket watching tv.

That isn’t healthy my weight has gotten way out of control and all I want to do is sleep. I need to take my life back and get back on a #diet. All the snacking I do needs to stop and no, matter what is happening in our family I need to get to #walking.

The nice part of walking is it can be done inside or outside as long as we walk for at least 30 minutes a day. 10,000 steps is nice but sometimes I can’t even get 5,000 steps. If I would keep my phone on me at all times or wear my fitbit I know the steps I get would add up.

I just need to make it a point to walk for at least 5 minutes every hour and having steps in our home will enhance my weight loss so come and join me and less plan on walking for 5 minutes every hours for at least 8 hours a day which should get us up and moving for 40 minutes a day.

Its okay if you don’t make it everyday but lets try to and God willing there will be days we go over this and might actually get 10,000 steps. I may never lose the 150 pounds I need to lose but even 5 or 10 pounds can and will make a difference in my life.

I understand if you don’t have time to walk with me but can you at least hold me accountable and reach out every hour to make sure I’ve walked at least 5 minutes. You can call me, email me or even text me or send me a reminder on Facebook to walk.

I also plan on looking for a app I can set that will go off and remind me to get up and walk as well as to drink water every hour on the hour. I will be building a playlist of songs to listen to while walking. Is there certain songs I should add to my playlist?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates