Welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 15th, 2023. Time is flying by as we enter our third week into the challenge. January is half way over today and its exactly one month until Valentines. Can you tell me were time is going? As we get older it just fly’s by which I hate. Charlie will be 16 this year and in a blink he is going to be grown and moving out. Were will that leave David and I? I have no, clue other than I wouldn’t want to be any were else but with David no, matter what happens in the future.

As I was sitting her this morning going to look for the prompt for this mornings post I looked around my apartment and began to think back to my childhood. My sister, brother and I would be getting dressed for Church. Then we would wait outside for the Church Bus to pick us up. While we would be gone my parents would be cooking a wonderful lunch.
We would come home and sit down as a family to eat dinner then we was allowed to go outside until the Streetlights came on. You would find us riding bikes and playing tag or baseball on the field my dad created us. We weren’t allowed inside to watch tv until right before bed for a hour or two in the evening as a family.
There weren’t any electronics which I am glad we didn’t have. Fast forward and I had Suzzane. Even though I worked full time I kept the rules my parents had. We would sit down at the dinner table to have dinner together every night. The TV wasn’t turned on unless it was Friday night and we would do #Family Night and have Pizza and watch the shows on #TGIF.
Suzzie is gone now and even though I prefer to eat at the dinning room table with no, electronics and no television on David doesn’t feel the same way. Which is why I was excited to move into the apartment as there is a dinning room separate from the living room so the tv can’t be seen from this room.
Even on the nights David works late I sit at the table and eat dinner even if I have to eat by myself. Although, her lately Charlie has been sitting with me and he does bring his phone but he doesn’t bother it and we spend time discussing our day. I hope when Charlie gets married he does this with his family.
For dinner today I am making Grilled Pork Chops which Charlie will be cooking for his Homeschool Cooking Class. I will peel and make Homemade Mashed Taters and the Vegetable. Allowing us to spend one on one time together. If David does get off in time to have dinner with us we will put him to setting the table and getting everyone’s drinks.
After dinner I plan on going for a 20 minute walk. I am going to have Charlie bring the dogs and come with me. Giving us more time together. Then Charlie and I plan on playing a Board Game or two this evening which gets in reading time for the week in our Homeschool. During Game Time all electronics will be off so we have to talk.
Tonight we might not even turn the TV on at all which doesn’t happen very often in any home in the US. But we can and will survive without electronics if we put our minds to it and before Charlie is fully grown and out of my house I want to teach him this so he knows how important it is to spend time with those we love. Because tomorrow isn’t promished.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
How I remember the days when everyone sat down for dinner at the table. We didn’t even have a TV when I was growing up! Hard to believe C will be 16 soon! I remember when he was 8 or 9! Have a wonderful Sunday and week.
Thank you and they do grow up to fast. At times I wish we didn’t
have a TVF or computer and spent more time talking and being
I love your post. Makes me nostalgic for the time when my kids were growing up. Enjoy every minute with Charlie. It sounds like you do.
Thank you and I try to but sometimes I let life get in the way
and before I know it a day or a week has gone by and we haven’t
spent time together the way we should Which I am working hard
to change.
Beautiful! Electronics has its place doesn’t it!
Yes, they do and I wish people would remember that and put there phones down more.