Ultimate Blog Challenge: January 14th, 2025

The Mommies Reviews

Here I am further behind than ever in the Ultimate Blog Challenge because I’m back with Day 14 and today is Friday the 16th. It’s okay though I’m not going to give up. Its one font in front of the other and one day I will be caught up God willing.

The 14th was Wednesday and that means it would have been #WordlessWednesday so here is a photo from me.

I received this for #Christmas and I’ve been thinking of making #Srew but neither Charlie or David like Stew. Instead I’m going to try a #PotRoast in it tomorrow.

Baby It's Cold Outside!
I would like to remind you that like the song Baby It’s Cold Outside! it’s supposed to get cold her this weekend and they are talking about #Snow again.

What would you make in this Dutch Oven and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates