2 weeks in. If your in the Ultimate Blog Challenge you are doing fine… Pat yourself on the back which even though I got behind a couple times I’m caught up. I’m going to pat myself on the back as well. In this morning’s prompt for the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 14th, 2023 #UBC we were asked to REVIEW A Book or Movie. My family attended the movie premier for Missing the other night and you can see my thoughts at as well as a book review for Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler Whispering Through Waters.

In the meantime if you’ve written a movie or book review leave me a comment so I can check it out.
Have a blessed weekend and I will look forward to your next visit.
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
Read your book review Whispering Through Waters.Wonder what the family secret is. Family dynamics are always interesting. Will keep the book in mind.
Thank you, for keeping the book in mind I know the Author
will appreciate that. Even if you don’t read the book
please let others know about it.
I had a little challenge finding the review of the movie. I think I’ll skip it, not a fan of this genere. I can’t get over you can have food brought to you while you watch a movie.
It’s okay because I wasn’t sure I would like the movie either.
Having food delivered is nice but sometimes it disrupts the
movie as the waiters get in the way. But we can’t have
everything can we?