Ultimate Blog Challenge January 13th, 2024

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to Saturday morning I don’t know about where you are but were facing a Winter Storm here in Texas from tonight through Thursday were supposed to be having freezing weather. Thank the LORD we stocked up on groceries last week because it looks like were going to turn into hermits except for David going back and forth to work.

Please PRAY David doesn’t end up sick because he is in and out of a truck all day and on and off Airplanes in this cold weather loading food onto the planes. I wish David could find a job inside because the cold makes him hurt but David likes his job so I let him do what he is comfortable with. I just wish his hours would pick back up because his OT ie overtime has been cut out and its making us struggle.

I know the LORD doesn’t give us more than we can handle but if things don’t change soon we may lose everything we have and let me tell you this is scaring all three of us. With the Weather being so cold it makes me hurt so I can’t get out to look for something and Charlie needs to finish school before he goes to work.

Enough about us and our problems I PRAY your doing well and I would like to thank you for stopping by our site this morning. I will be catching up on the Ultimate Blog Challenge this morning as I’m working is there anything I can help you with? Or is there a website you think we should visit? Or come share your Facebook or Instagram page with us so we can make sure were following you once the Ultimate Blog Challenge has finished for January and until we meet again in April.

This morning’s prompt asked us to Day 13: Process: What process do you do differently that you can share with your readers?

Instead of sharing my process with you which at the moment I couldn’t even tell you what I do because its day by day here. I would like to ask you to come and share what process you use and why.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates