Ultimate Blog Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, it’s Sunday and if I wasn’t still behind on the Ultimate Blog Challenge it would be Sunday and I would be sharing a Motivational Quote with you. Instead, here I am posting for the Ultimate Blog Challenge January 12th Day 12.

The prompt for this day tells us to:

Good was being FUNNY this morning.

Be inspired by a quote!

Find a favorite quote and then expand on it giving your take or your thoughts.

Don’t think you’ve got to write something motivational or inspiring. There are plenty of humorous and sarcastic quotes out there, too.

Here are some great places to find quotes:

As I was on http://quotegarden.com , I found the following quote. Before you ask yes, this quote describes my family perfectly. Does it also fit your family?

Families are like fudge — mostly sweet with a few nuts. ~Author unknown

Image result for mom sarcasims
Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates