Good morning, can you believe it’s almost the end of July. Where does time go? 5 months that we have been dealing with Covid-19. Isn’t that unreal? It’s time for school and children can’t even go.

People are still not at work and some may end up Laid Off still. If things don’t change soon more companies may close. Yet, there is nothing we can do other than protect ourselves and our families when we are out and about.
I am telling you if I could find a desserted Island and could afford to stock it and pay a teachers salery I would load up my family and friends and we would go there and live.
Before you ask what about staying 6 feet away from others and Self Isolation we could do that on the Island as each family would have there own homes.
Would you like to join us?
Since I can’t do that and I am behind on the Ultimate Blog Challenge which is coming to a end soon I wanted to share a new prompt for Day 27.
Would you answer this question for me?
Who in your field is someone that your readers should follow? Sure, they follow you… and who else can you recommend to them to help advance their knowledge, business, and, expertise?
Write a post that lists a couple industry leaders and why you follow them.
Don’t forget to share your Day 27 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at and share the URL of your post with the group.
If you are tweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know you are part of the community!
I could list blogs with you but I would rather learn who you follow.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates