Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022!

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022! Day 10 of the January challenge. After the week I had and especially yesterday you can bet your bottom dollar I am still behind and even more behind than I was before. But I know it’s okay because I’ve gotten a couple comments letting me know to keep going and I can catch up and that someone else is also behind but trying their best to catch up.

Image result for the lord will not give you more than you can

We were asked to share a Video which we could pick from YouTube or Ted Talks but there is so much going on I couldn’t focus enough to find a Video. Instead, I am going to ask for PRAYERS for our family as we face something we never thought we would have to deal with.

If you have a Video or a Song that can keep Charlie and I motivated as we go through changes I sure would appreciate because the Little Train That Could, and my go to songs This Is My Fight Song and Everythings Gonna Be Alright are not working this morning.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates