Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022!

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022! Day 6. Yes, before you ask, I am still behind 2 more days, and I will be caught up thank the LORD. I told you I could do it and I am going to do it somehow someway.

This morning’s prompt reminded us of we all have people in our life that have helped us in our life. We were supposed to spotlight that person in our blog post. The person we spotlight just might be able to help someone else just by reading our story.

I struggled with this prompt this morning as I had shared Tara Tood the other day. Then I thought about sharing David or Charlie, but you all know they help me on here and that I wouldn’t be who I am without David and Charlie. If you have a family, I am sure it’s the same way for you.

Image result for I admite you

Let me introduce you to Sara Lehman. Sara was a blogger and still is at times and no, this isn’t how I meet her. Although, it was online we meet through the Roundups and Pintables she creates for bloggers to use on their blogs.

As time has evolved, we still haven’t meet in person but what we have done is not only become friends but family. Sara is there any time I need her for anything and always will be. God willing, I know one day we will be able to meet in person and I will be able to give her a hug in person.

Until then I will keep purchase new content from Sara for my blog. I am happy to tell you Sara has moved on from Crats to Food Blogging and her creations are amazing and the photographs are out of the world. If you would like to check out Sara’s work, you can find her here.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

1 thought on “Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022!

  1. Blogging and the online world has certainly helped me meet so many wonderful people who I can count among my friends (though I am yet to meet them in person).. will check out Sara’s blog..

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