Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022!

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome back to the Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022! I am on Day 5 and this morning’s prompt asked us to share a piece of advice with everyone. For me this was easy as you all know I’m behind on the challenge, but I refuse to give up.

Image result for accountable

My advice for you is if you’re struggling or behind on something or just don’t think you can do something try and try again until you get it done. Don’t give up because that is when we fail. Although, failing is a learning lesson as well. As you can see here, I am on Day 5 and its actually the 7th of January.

Even though I want to throw things and kick up a temper tantrum I am not going to. I’m going to put one foot inside the other and move along. I refuse to stress over Charlie and his school or David and the bills. Those are their jobs. I am only going to concentrate on the things I can control and get done.

Which includes the Ultimate Blog Challenge and my blog along with the Reading Challenge and Diet I’ve put myself on. If I fail I have no, one to blame but myself. But what I am going to do is hold myself accountable the best I can, and I would like it if you would help me with this Please.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates