Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022!

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022! Day 2 and yes, I am still behind. But like the Little Engine who thought he could, and he did I can, and I will. God willing and the creek don’t rise as my grandmother used to say. Referring back to #oldschool as Charlie likes to say.

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Today we were asked to share how we got started in blogging and chose our NICHE. For me it began when Charlie turned one and David said I needed to find a job. Not wanting to leave Charlie with a babysitter I decided I would do what a friend was doing and start a blog.

I asked her to help me, and she said no, because I wouldn’t be good at it and couldn’t get anywhere but I didn’t let that stop me. I set up a website not knowing what I was doing. Then I reached out to companies and ended up getting a book to review which led to many more reviews.

Through all this all I can say is thank the LORD for his guidance as I work to grow. The clients I work with and most of all my family who has supported me and helped me grow my site. As well as all of the wonderful friends I’ve made, and the VA’s I’ve used.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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