I did it I am only two days behind everyone else in the Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022, Day 14 or for those wondering that means this post would have been done on January 14th. But like a friend reminded me this morning I can get caught up and I still believe I can, and I will.

Review a book or movie you’ve read or seen recently. Was there something you really liked or resonated with you? Maybe something turned you off quite a bit!
Want a little bit of an extra degree of difficulty (or extra coolness points)? Relate something from the movie to you niche!
It’s funny the prompt asked us to review a book or movie we’ve recently seen as I just took Charlie to see Spider-Man: No Way Home this week. While Charlie and David went with me to see American Underdog and Journal for Jordan and we plan on seeing Ghostbuster this week.
While I just finished reading Flying Angels from Danielle Steel and plan on picking up her new book Invisible this week as well as beginning to read her first novel Going Home which I found at Half Price Books and I’m sure if I had read this book, it was years ago. I don’t remember it and can’t wait to get started reading this new novel.
If you would like to know anything about these movies or the book leave me a comment as I will be reviewing all of them this week on here.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates