Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022!

The Mommies Reviews

Ultimate Blog Challenge for January 2022! Here I am back with the prompt and no, I’m not caught up. I’m still behind and only up to day 11 but like I’ve said over and over again I am trying and through Baby Steps I will catch up somehow someway. Just don’t give up on me.

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Today’s tip is a free-form, non-topic specific idea that you can use over and over and over again!

Grab a magazine from your coffee table.

It doesn’t even have to be a magazine in your niche industry. Ay magazine will do now would you take a look at the cover. Write down the headlines as they appear. Chances are they’ll look something like this:

  • The __ secrets to ____
  • Learn how to _____ today
  • ___ tips to ____

Once you’ve written down the headlines, replace the keywords with your own. Fill in the blanks. If there are ten headlines on the cover of your magazine, you now have ten articles or blog posts you can write.

The magazine you will find on my kitchen table and not my coffee table as there are no magazines on it has the following titles:

More $$ For You

Drop 39 Pounds in 14 Days

News out of Sweden: Forgotten Mineral By 85% in 12 Weeks

Study: This morning works better than meds Freedom From Sinus Pain

Boston Univ. The whistle surprise that Reverses Brain Aging

Sweet, easy comfort you deserve a treat!

Betty! Her secrets to living in joy as she turns 100 years old.

I must be honest with you I need a new magazine because I don’t think any of these Headlines other than the Recipe and Betty White would lead to blog post for me. Is there any here you can see yourself using?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates