Good morning,
Welcome to Charlie’s Question of the Day which is part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge February 4th. I wish you a wonderful productive day.
This or That?

Charlie says either Candy would be fine with him but if he were to chose he believes his favorite is Skittles. But it has to be in the red package which is the original Skittles.
David says M&M’s Peanuts please.

For me M&M’s Peanut but plain is okay to. Just don’t give me Blue M&Ms because they aren’t real M&M’s. I refuse to eat the Blue ones. But Charlie likes to trick me and try and make me eat them.
Do you remember when there were 2 Brown in the package of M7M’s?
Or they took the Red M&M’s away? Then brought the red ones back making me a Happy Camper? How about you?
Which color M&M is your favorite? Why?
I like the Green M&M because she is the Girl M&M and I like her Eyelashes and her Race Car. Although, I like the Red M&M as well…
.I love the Santa Claus commercial at Christmas when they both say “they’re real…How about you?

You will find this question also posted on my Facebook wall as Charlie uses them for Homeschool puropses.
The questions come from a book called 3000 Pick One Questions Pick This or Pick That that I picked up for school. If you like this book then you should check out the website and all the different books they carry.
3000 Pick One Questions is a fun and easy way to get to know yourself and others! Burn some time alone or break the ice with friends with questions ranging from funny to outrageous to serious to mundane–and keep the fun going by sharing the reasons why!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates
That Christmas commercial is one of my favourites ever! I refuse to choose between Skittles and M& Ms. Luckily my husband knows me well so I got both in my stocking.
Neither! I’m into Good and Fruity or Jellybeans.
This is an answer from Lia. Me: Lia what is your favorite, MM’s or Skittles? Lia: MM’s!!! Me: Why do you like MM’s? Lia: I like chocolate! There you have it out of the mouth of babes! LOL As for me, I’ll take peanut MM’s, Rich doesn’t eat candy. We stock a bag of the mini MM’s for Lia and use them as a little treat now and then.
This was such a fun post! I just got done with work and you’re the first thing I read. You made my day!!