I joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge again and this time instead of using the post that is sent out. Or a post I have written for the Challenge. I decided each day I would use a question from the book Charlie is using for his Homeschool Journaling Class.
This will allow Charlie to compile surveys or reports for school. As well as allowing us to get to know everyone a little bit better. You will also see the question posted on our Facebook page.
Time for Charlie’s question of the day.
This or That?
Snow Cones or Popsicles? (Why)
Charlie, says Popsicles because he can get them anytime he wants. But he loves Blue Coconut Popsicles in the Summer.
David says Popsicles to because he can pick them up when grocery shopping.
Man on man they don’t know what’s good…..
For me Snow Cones all the way….. Blue Coconut, Grape or Root Beet or Grape and Root Beer. If its true Popsicles I would like Grape or Orange please….

My favorite place to get a Snow Cone was the trucks that used to drive around the neighborhood like the Ice Cream Truck I would always let it pass even though my sister and brother would get Ice Cream and wait for the Snow Cones.
Which was also my mom’s favorite.
Rootbeer snow cones remind me of my pop.
No way, Glenda! It’s the fudgesicle all the way. (Chocolate popsicle.) Nothing even comes close!
I’ll have to go for a rootbeer popsicle! Not even sure if they make them anymore but I remember when I was a kid, the corner store had them for 5 cents!
Glenda, if we had had snow cones when I was a kid, I would definitely have wanted those! I found popsicles broke off in chunks. I do love your mint green truck image!