Ultimate Blog Challenge February 21st

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to Sunday its time for our Ultimate Blog Challenge February 21st. I hope your weekend was all you wanted. I PRAY life is returning to normal for you after #snowmageddon2021 hit twice in Fort Worth.

I know people will not want to hear it but Charlie and I are ready for it to #Snow again. Just no, Ice and Cold Weather Please. No, broken pipes and water being cut off. Or houses and cars being destroyed as there was enough damage with the last Storm.

Charlie’s question of the day from his book 3000 Pick One Questions. Pick This or Pick That…. from @PiccadillyInc

Silver or Gold? (Why)

When I was a Teenager I always wanted Rose Gold but as a adult I like Gold but I wear a lot of Sterling Sliver in memory of Suzzane who preferred Silver and its what her Charm Bracelet is I have.

David says he prefers Silver because its more mainly… Not true if you ask me… But I did purchase a Sterling Silver Cross the year Charlie was born and David hasn’t taken it off since Christmas morning when I gave it to him.

Charlie says Gold is prettier and more Rappers wear it so he would chose it but wouldn’t turn down Silver because when I buy Jewelry for Charlie I purchase Silver.

Which do you prefer Gold 0r Silver? ( Why)?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

2 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge February 21st

  1. I’ve always preferred gold. My engagement ring and wedding band is gold as is all my other rings and every piece of jewelry Rich gets me is gold. It may have some silver highlights but the gold stands out.

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