Good morning, How are you?

I wanted #snow but not this freezing cold that is happening. It’s less than 1- degrees here in Fort Worth. I must tell you I never remember it being this cold or getting as much #Snow as we got.
I Pray everyone is safe and warm. If your lights are out or you don’t have heat your welcome to come here… Just know the Pipes in our kitchen is frozen but we have water in the Restrooms we can use.
To get everyone’s mind off what is happening here is Charlie’s question of the day from his book 3000 Pick One Questions.
Pick This or That….

iSo or Android? (Why)

Here is a description for iOS and Android; If your like like David and I you might not know what iOS is. Although, Charlie might know but I haven’t had a chance to ask him yet. Children know so much more than adults do about phones and computers. Or at least my son does.
Android is an open source platform where anyone can customize the code and develop their flavor, but IOS is only built for the iPhone and no one is allowed to customize and realize their own flavor.
Charlie, would like to have a iPhone which used iOS don’t plan on spending that much money on a phone for a 13 year old that doesn’t take very good care of the Electronics he receives.

Poor Charlie all his friends have iPhones and like to make fun of Charlie and the phone he has. But having a phone is a Gift it isn’t a necessity. If Charlie doesn’t change his attitude he isn’t going to have a Phone, Game System or even a Lap Top.
I’ve always used LG or Android. These phones are fine for me. I don’t plan on changing the type of phone I use.
Even though David thinks I should get a iPhone for my business. For me it’s Android and until Charlie saves his own money its Android for him and David to…
Yes, I am CHEAP… If we didn’t have so many places to go and need to get in touch with each other all we would have is a house phone which would save me money.. Just like I had when I was a child. A Pink Princess phone please…..

Although, Charlie and David wouldn’t want a pink phone so I would have to get baby blue which I also had when I was growing up and would match our kitchen décor.
One day GOD willing if the price comes down I would like to have a Rose Gold iPhone which is a pink color in memory of Suzzane who loved Pink and Charlie who loves listening to music on our phones.
Isn’t she pretty?? Yes, its a Girl..
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates